I'm afraid it's a ship design that I made up for my RPG, Star Wars Dark Empires.
Right: I'll try to be as clear as I can. The design I have drawn on paper is roughly 500 metres long for the cylinder, 30 metres for the cone, and at the back of the cylinder, it lengthens both up and down by about 2 metres. Where it widens are the three engine exhausts. The smaller two near the top and bottom are the afterburn exhausts, and there is a large exhaust in the middle of the two for the main engine
The cone at the front is from the bottom to about 2 metres from the top of the cylinder. (the remaining 2 metres is the cockpit). there are roughly 7 weapon hardpoints on the top, and 3 on the bottom.
The ship si called the CESHAC (Corellian Engineered Spearhead Assault Crusier)
The measurements I have gone is just to give a rough idea of the proportions.
Sorry if I'm asking too much here. If you don't have time, then an SD is just great.