hardpoint creation in 3dsmax ver. 1.01 by me.
need to launch 3dsmax... btw. i use 3dsmax 5.0
choose the create tab, select the shapes icon...
at the shapes, choose rectangle.
create a square shape in top view. Hint use the snap for easy square creation.
now you have created a square shape. but we need a triangle polygon.
first thing first --- lets name our polygon Hp/Fixed/HpMount
convert your shape into an editable polygon and from the modify tab selec vertex.
to make a square into an isosceles triangle.
check the vertex and midpoint selection on your snap settings
select one of the vertex points, vertex 1, of your square and move it in the midpoint of line 1.... line 1 is the line between vertex 1 and 2. Now pick vertex 2 and move it in the location of vertex 1.
Select the polygon and weld it.
now you have an isosceles triangle as a hardpoint.
just duplicate and name appropriately.
move all your hardpoints near the place you want to mount your weapons.
take note: it is always the 1/3 of the triangles height from the base the center point is located.
Now... If your problem is when exported into 3ds format you get Hp/Fixed01 etc. in milkshape... you just select it using group select and rename them.
or better yet get the max2ms3d exporter.
Hope this Helps
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