Yes, he has my blessing - just like Sanic did. I added this to the readme for Evo that people are welcome to make addons containing anything they like as LONG as they let me know (not necessarily ask permission) and keep the basic mod the same (ie, not change it all to heck and back) and make sure its known as "unofficial"
Unofficial because i am working on 1.28 obviously and further versions what they add won't necessarily add to my vision. Also - they may wish to add things like Starwars Ships that i expressely stated i would never add. I have no problem with this at all, but i don't want it to get confused with my original versions
Keep it basically the same: Cause otherwise it wouldn't be an Evolutions addon, it would become a new mod..........based upon my hard work! lol. It took 5 months of near non-stop modding to make evo!
I offer advice and support, although i cannot make the extensions/teach poeple how to do. However, Karatekid already approached me about this, and we had a good convo by email. It has my blessing by all means