Post Sun Mar 21, 2004 4:18 am

Best Rooms?

So..what are the best looking rooms...? Since one can combine them, I'm trying to make a perfect base...

I'm making a Order system and I'm looking for rooms that would best serve the cause (high-techy, but not overfooded with some house insignia and ships)
So far I found these:

- Cityscape - Studdtgart (Rh03_01), Cambridge(Br03_01)
- Equipment - Los Angeles(Li02_01)
- Bar - Manhattan(li01_01)
- Shipdelaer - Manhattan(Li01_01), Cambridge(Br03_01)
- Comodity dealer - Studdtgart(Rh03_01)

- Deck - Freeport01, smallstation
- Bar - Freeport01, smallstation

Now there are tons of planets and stations out there, and if anyone knows a godd looking room from one of them, please post here....