hey LV38_Eagle,
the icon pointer for each package is in DATA/EQUIPMENT/ goods.ini under the ship hull.
for example (if memory serves - its bin a while since i looked at this stuff) this is the relevant section for the anubis;
nickname = oe_hull
category = shiphull
ship = or_elite
price = 1000
ids_name = 12019
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\or_fighter.3db
remember not to use the same original icon files to make all your ship icons as this confuses the engine as they have individual id numbers.there is a complicated way round this but i always just chose a new icon from all the ones that arent used ingame for each new ship i was making
hope this helps,
dr del
I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
**dr del would like to add before anyone comments that this sig was blatantly nicked of a smart person on a newsgroup**