Thu Jan 01, 2004 6:14 pm by WisemanMagus
Well........... If nothing has names, first off its a miracle the game didn't crash, second off its probably the ids names. But I couldn't even get that program to work right b/c it wouldn't spit out the code in the right way and it ended up ruining ALL of the .ini files in my game folder. Never got it to work, probably never will. For the ids names and stuff the only way to set them up that I've heard of is to make custom .dll files for the ids names. (which i don't know how to do yet but you can learn by using the ship tutorial that teaches it its called zenith's or something like that and its somewhere on this site ithink.... only came accross it once somewhere... :-\) I may not be to much help considering the only time I have got a system to load anywhere was when I had an endless tunnel and that was b/c the the other system's .ini which had the jumpgate in didn't have my system's name :_(. So now i'm back to letting Freelancer crash to the desktop ^^ not much fun and i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong :_( oh well.... Cheers!