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A Russian House MOD

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Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:33 am

Hey! Speaking of the Russian space program, how about Soyuz as the name for a Russian House freighter?

I will also note, that although the Russian spacecraft are older and less "advanced" than the US's whenever we have to shut down the space program because of tragedys like the Challenger and Columbia, we never worry if we have people already up in space at places like Mir or the ISS, because, after all, the Russians will go and bring them home for us, in their "crappy" but reliable space-craft.

*G* And when the Russians didn't have the money or time to redesign their guidance programs for the capsules that brought theri guys down to earth, and one such mis-landing had two Cosmonauts surrounded by hungry wolves (true story), from then on they very practally equipped all such landers with a shotgun and ammo!

Of course whatever you've lost is in the last place you look. Why would you keep looking after you've found what you lost?

Edited by - Tibor McMasters on 27-11-2003 00:33:57

Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:56 am

As it goes, remember. The american NASA space agency spent tens of millions of pounds designing a pen that writes on nearly anything, and underwater in zero gravity.
The russians just use a pencil.
Simple, efficient, and JUST AS GOOD. However, it cost nothing realatively.
Limits like cost don't mean worse, they just mean more creativity.

A very amusing anecdote, I must admit, until I found out about the truth: pencil is an absolute nightmare to use in zero-g. I quote:

When the astronauts began to fly, like the Russians, they used pencils, but the leads sometimes broke and became a hazard by floating in the [capsule's atmosphere where there was no gravity. They could float into an eye or nose or cause a short in an electrical device. In addition, both the lead and the wood of the pencil could burn rapidly in the pure oxygen atmosphere. Paul Fisher realized the astronauts needed a safer and more dependable writing instrument, so in July 1965 he developed the pressurized ball pen, with its ink enclosed in a sealed, pressurized ink cartridge. Fisher sent the first samples to Dr. Robert Gilruth, Director of the Houston Space Center. The pens were all metal except for the ink, which had a flash point above 200°C. The sample Space Pens were thoroughly tested by NASA. They passed all the tests and have been used ever since on all manned space flights, American and Russian. All research and developement costs were paid by Paul Fisher. No development costs have ever been charged to the government.

Because of the fire in Apollo 1, in which three Astronauts died, NASA required a writing instrument that would not burn in a 100% oxygen atmosphere. It also had to work in the extreme conditions of outer space:
1. In a vacuum.
2. With no gravity.
3. In hot temperatures of +150°C in sunlight and also in the cold shadows of space where the temperatures drop to -120°C
(NASA tested the pressurized Space Pens at -50°C, but because of the residential [sic heat in the pen it also writes for many minutes in the cold shadows.)

Fisher spent over one million dollars in trying to perfect the ball point pen before he made his first successful pressurized pens in 1965. Samples were immediately sent to Dr. Robert Gilruth, Manager of the Houston Space Center, where they were thoroughly tested and approved for use in Space in September 1965. In December 1967 he sold 400 Fisher Space Pens to NASA for $2.95 each.

Lead pencils were used on all Mercury and Gemini space flights and all Russian space flights prior to 1968. Fisher Space Pens are more dependable than lead pencils and cannot create the hazard of a broken piece of lead floating through the gravity-less atmosphere.

The source is, a highly reputable research body specializing in urban legends.
Snopes Article

Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:49 pm

After the launch of the Red Star, the sleeper ship of the Russians, they mad it to Omicron Gamma, and a unknown system, later called New Moscow. Moscow was their centre, and from there, they began to develp advanced cloning programs. Their main base was the Frunze Academy and Planet Moscow. A few stations was built by the Red Army's Enginering Teams. There was two in orbit around Planet Moscow, Battleship Kursk, Odessa Shipyard and a third one was later built in a nearby nebulae. In the nebulae they foun two jumpholes, to St. Petersburg and Volgograd. The Volgograd became the main resource center for The Red Allience, and four new factions where born. The Emperors Guard, The Planetenginering Teams, Vlogograd exports and a pirate faction called the Red Roughes. The Roughes attacked convuys and shipyards, and they claimed a nebulaue. In St. Petersburg, great sources of metall was found.

Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:13 pm

After the launch of the Red Star, the sleeper ship of the Russians, they made it to Omicron Gamma, and a unknown system, later called Novaya Rodina. Novaya Rodina was their centre, and from there, they began to develp advanced cloning programs. Their main base was the Frunze Academy and Planet Moscow. A few stations was built by the Red Army's Enginering Teams. There was two in orbit around Planet Moscow, Battleship Kursk, Odessa Shipyard and a third one was later built in a nearby nebulae. In the nebulae they foun two jumpholes, to St. Petersburg and Volgograd. The Volgograd became the main resource center for The Red Allience, and four new factions where born. The Emperors Guard, The Planetenginering Teams, Vlogograd exports and a pirate faction called the Red Roughes. The Roughes attacked convuys and shipyards, and they claimed a nebulaue. In St. Petersburg, great sources of metall was found. They found berrylium, zink and titan. The berrylium was used in the later developed T-87 Storm and T-98 Kirov. The Kirov was the most advanced ship ever developed, but it costed the Red Allience huge amounts of money. The zink was used to protect the guns from rust. And the titanium was used in the T-98 Kirov.

Post Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:52 pm

Some other Russian names I’ve run across, and possible uses.

Okhotny (Hunters) pirate faction
Okhot (Hunter) fighter name or missile/mine name

Mensheviks and/or Bolsheviks as pirate/separatist faction(s)

Novy Volia (New Freedom) planet or base for Russia House or faction

Kulaks – faction similar to the Farmers Alliance, et al

Zemskii Sobor (Assembly of the Land) or Duma as name for Russia House legislative body. First is ancient body during time of the Tsars, second modern post-communism.

Streltsy (name for elite musketeer units in time of Tsar Mikhail I) fighter name

Strela (arrow) missle name

Kalashnikov – ship weapon (Kalashnikov I, II, etc)

Dragunov – long ranged ship weapon

Suvorov, Ushakov, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Zhukov, Chuikov, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Russia House military bases and battleship names

Frontnik (loosely: front-fighter, one who was a combat soldier) fighter name

Vladivostok name for shipyard or military base

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:08 pm

Hey, new here, this cought my eye, so I decided to register.

Someone suggested Dr. Shivago influence, and so I have to suggest the use of one of the coolest character's ever be recognized. If anyone remembers the film, right before the first intermission, Shivago's son asks his mother "Mother, are their wolves in the forest?" It immediately cuts to show a HUGE red train speed down a side track, and then cuts to the front of the train, where Strelnikov stands, watching over the train's movement.

As such I suggest a freighter/transports to be called either "Wulf" or "Strelnikov"
Hell, I'd love to see an actual leader named after him.

Anyway. Nice to be part of the community.

Fear is here to stay, love is here for a visit....
The Truth Can't hurt you, it's just like the dark. It scares you witless, but in time you see things clear and stark.
-Elvis Costello

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:17 pm

Hey Tibor!
Thanks for those names, i'll use them. If you wish, i can email you, and give you my ideas, what im gonna call the systems etc and a map over where i'll put the systems. If you wish me to do it, please reply here and/or email me at [email protected]

Post Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:12 pm

for the ships:





The Stalin is a huge Russian command-carrier for administrative purposes (basically a really huge flying fortress)
If you want to use it mail me. (still needs to be textured...)

[edit I'm currently updating it
"Just for a good shot - for what else?"


Edited by - blaXXer on 30-11-2003 21:25:20

Post Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:44 pm

New Vladivostok could be one planet

AS for bases...
AK-47 munitions facility
Mikoyan Military Academy
Siberia Prison

Post Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:35 am

What blaXXer described the Stalin as (the pictures didnt load in my browser) made it sound like a battleship.

Post Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:59 pm

lol, snopes is a great site I go to it everytime i hear something relatively wierd

As for my little historical comment.. well thats just what i was tought when i was in school So dont judge me on just that lol

Yeah the pics dont show up on my screen either. It may be because your using your hard drive. Remember to use something like angelfire or.. something..

Post Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:10 pm

with your names, you should also have a link to kusari through somthing like kamkatcha.
other names might be:

Ural (good old risk names)


There are only three monsters, Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.

Post Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:18 pm

My opinion:

systems (following tradition...battleships named by famous admirals, but using names like Mir, Saljut, Sojuz, Molnija may bring more nostalgic sorrow)

New Moscow system

Planet Novaja Zemlja (capital)
Planet Novgorod
Battleship Nachimov
Murmansk Shipyard
Itil Base (pirates)

Minsk system

Planet Petrograd
Archangelsk Base
Battleship Kuznecov
Polarnyj Base (pirates)

Kazan system

Ufa Base
Samara Base
Battleship Gorskov
Jakutsk Base (pirates)

ships (if we take it that most of their today's fighters have names by atmospherical effects, we should use them even here)

Aurora (heavy fighter)
Berkut (light fighter)
Burja (freighter)

weapons (by russian gun makers..what else?)

Griazev (particle)
Kalasnikov (particle)
Nudelmann (plasma)

Post Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:07 pm

So, what kind of economic situation does the Russian House have? I mean, does it support a major industrial faction like Samura or the IMG (etc)? Does it have a planet or planets that support major agriculture? (Hummmm... Ukraine System, Planet Kiev? The Ukraine is historically rich farmland right?). It would be good to have a few things that one could by cheap in "Russia" and could sell high elsewhere, and vice versa, for those of us who occasionally enjoy a trading run or three.

Or, if they are allied with the Corsairs, maybe they produce something that Omicron Gamma doesn't, but needs. Maybe a Cardimine link between the Outcasts and a Russian faction (Organizatsiya, anyone?).

I was also thinking the famous Corsair "Road to Rhineland" stuff that you always see in the news at Corsair ports.... perhaps the Russia House is involved in that? Perhaps part of the mod is a Rhineland System (I forgat which system was first on the Corsair's list) already fallen into the Corsairs/Russian hands. Wreckage, a few military bases/battleships, constant fighting between Russo-Corsair forces and Rhinelanders?

Just some thoughts...

Post Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:54 pm

@ blaXXer, is that (Stalin) a modell we could use

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