Post Sun Oct 19, 2003 2:20 am

Can anyone?

now moddin is summat i cannot do, and believe me i've tried and it wasnt pretty
so there is just a few ships i might like, if anyone has any spare time on their hands and know what i'm on about, but if anyone could make the:-
Outlaw Star from the series conveniently named Outlaw Star
the El Dorado, also from the series Outlaw Star, those are two ships i really like, and if sum1 cud just make one of them i would be very greatful,

p.s u prolly dont need me sayin this, but i'll say it anyway, dont bother including the grapler arms, from my very breif and disasterous attaempt to design ships, they could prove aggrivating

Well thanks for reading, as i sed i will be very gratefull if sum1 cud make just one of these, well ttyl