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Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:04 pm


Hello Reynen.

Relax, this isnt a *****ing session, its also posted here so others can read the end of the message and see what areas mod makers are generally allowed to make money on. Usually anything that is not related to the mod. Though you should still check it out first. Different devs, different rules.

Anyway about my posts, Im just annoyed to see my name mentioned in an MS legal doc. Its not exactly a nice thing to wake up too and you didnt write to tell me or warn me about it. I heard through a third party.

So I was annoyed. Very annoyed.

You do not seem see this point or even care about the effect on the rest of the community and that made things worse.

Im sorry for kicking off but I am still annoyed by it. The extra info thats been posted since is helping but until my name is no longer on the MS legal hit list I will probably remain annoyed.

You have to realise, neither me, nor anybody else whos not on the TNG team have do anything to deserve such attention so its only natural for us to get annoyed by it.

If you can see that then you will go a long way to settling the tempers around here.

It is a little worse for me because I make a lot of mods for different games and have had a lot of contact with microsoft Dev teams for various games. This is not exactly helping me get useful info for my mechwarrior team out of them.

In fact it may sink one mod we started working on so im waiting to see about that and thats annoying too. The mod in question is a free mod which should be ok but its for a none MS game and MS hold the copyrights for the materials we want to use.

This business has complicated things a great deal for me. Its likely that legal issues will delay or stop the mod being produced as a result. MS are happy to ignore free mods unless the team get some bad press and this is what id call bad press.

You probably do not know Microsoft (from a modders point of view) as well as I do but they even copyrighted a raw file because it allowed footstep sounds on mw4 maps. We had to fight for months to get them to agree to even let us use it as a hack on our missions. They are very tight that way and very protective of their copyrighted materials. They even copyrighted the AI commands used in our scripts. So we cannot even sell AI scripts we made even though they are totally original.

In fact, id say they act almost like friends, if your friendly group and willing to cooperate with them, they tend to turn a blind eye or send a polite email telling you its best not to go down a road or produce an item, if your unknown or hostile they go for the throat with legal stuff. The legal department are not paid to be friendly with mod makers. They are paid to protect MS interests.

My advice would be to write to them, ask if you reverted TNG to a none profit mod would that ok and would they allow you to continue working on it on that basis. Making sure you clearly state that if they say no, you will halt production on the mod. That way you show willing and they may cut you and there for the rest of us some slack.

If you need to raise funds, do it via the site for the site and dont mention your mod name anywhere in the donation side of the site. As soon as the mod name is mentioned on a product people can buy, MS will kick off. They cannot kick off if the site is making the money not the mod. Atleast providing its a none profit site. Eg recovering costs.

MS actually let people sell mod CDs at the price of a blank CD + P&P but if you put it 1 dollar over that they will have something to say about it.

All this is known to me, its been checked out with the mw4 devs and we got our answer. Though I should say the cost of CD and P&P often disputed so it is still risky.


Edited by - giskard on 06-10-2003 19:08:02

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:02 pm

Giskard, please see the thread "To those that have a problem with SS or TNG" This is not a flame, but I want to point out some things I think are important.

1: I did not intent for you to get in trouble. Are you blaming me for putting you in the credit portion of my readme?

Would you prefer in the future if I just used your stuff without giving you credit anywhere, you wouldn't be targett hat way I suppose.


[bYou do not seem see this point or even care about the effect on the rest of the community and that made things worse.

If I didn't care I wouldn't have gave credit for the stuff people gave TNG now would I. Is it my fault they read the readme. Should I change it to DONOTREADME.txt

People are blaming me because MS read the readme and picked people out of there. IS THAT MY FAULT? IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT? NO.

If you didn't want attention WHY DID YOU CREATE YOUR MOD? People won't use it or download it if you don't get attention to it!!!

My advice would be to write to them, ask if you reverted TNG to a none profit mod would that ok and would they allow you to continue working on it on that basis. Making sure you clearly state that if they say no, you will halt production on the mod. That way you show willing and they may cut you and there for the rest of us some slack.


If you need to raise funds, do it via the site for the site and dont mention your mod name anywhere in the donation side of the site. As soon as the mod name is mentioned on a product people can buy, MS will kick off. They cannot kick off if the site is making the money not the mod. At least providing its a none profit site. Eg recovering costs.

I know this I'm not stupid and I would not collect funds for TNG. Although it could be looked at it this way.

1: Do you offer a mod for download? - YES
2: Do you accept for donations - YES

Technically people who give donations are paying for that mod IF THEY DOWNLOAD IT AND GIVE A DONATION.


Also you MUST pay taxes on ANY donations you receive UNLESS YOU ARE A REGISTERED NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.


Now for a moment lets take a look at YOUR site. You have a BANNER AD and YOU ACCEPT donations.

You have your donation button AND banner ad ON THE SAME PAGE as your hostile universe mod. Isn't that against the very rules you just told me, (not having your mod with the donation side?) Looking at it from that point of view you are associated donations with the mod itself.

Are you a non-profit organization? If not I sure hope you pay taxes on income from BOTH the banner ad and donations, since it is required by law. Care to share how much income you have received lately? I'm sure it's more then us.


Sorry old chap, but if you are going to give me a hard time for "SUPPOSEDLY" doing what you already do then I think you had better examine your own position first.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 03:47:17

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:10 pm

Erm - just to clarify, i am sure that dontreadme.txt will NOT work folks

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:17 pm

i hope subexero doesnt do something like this when i give things to him for the osiris mod

"Turn left at fork in road......
In Soviet Russia, road forks you!"

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:18 pm

hehe if u did that M$ would have to get a legal team put together trying to prosecute u for breaking the tradition of the README.txt file

Admiral - Argonian Ryders

Dromedary - 65000 credits
Cardamine - 100000 credits
AR Tags - Priceless!

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else theres Blastercard!

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:19 pm

You don't help people = people call you stingy and holding back from the community.

You do help people = They blame you if they get blamed for being in a credit section, yet they probably asked you to be put in there in the first place.



It's already been done. Look in the Fightspace mod. Numerous other people have done it too.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 00:23:35

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:10 am

geee, Giskard, I would have never thought to see you flame us.... I would have counted you as a big supporter. I guess I was wrong. sorry to have dragged you into this.

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:12 am

I posted this in the Starfyre area, but as that may not be around much longer I think it's appropriate to post here... also... this thread is degrading to a flame fest so hopefully this will focus people. This is not a time for immaturity, what you're dealing with here is a serious legal matter, I cannot stress that enough. This game has just crossed into reality....

This is a toughy....

My suggestion is to do what they have told you. Microsoft is a very... affluent... organization and of course has the financial resources to take things as far as they deem necessary. The fact you received a warning is generosity enough. (You think MS is bad, try Disney....)

What happened, in my opinion, is that the MODding community raised a red flag with Microsoft. MODs normally extend the life of the software, despite being technically illegal. When you attempted to copyright your material, they felt now that their rights were being infringed upon. For example - Microsoft is within their rights to shut down The Lancer's Reactor because the material presented here is copyrighted to Microsoft, and therefore they are entitled to control its use. However, they do not wish to do this (at least not to any extent presented by that letter). I'm deeply sorry for your loss, Reynen (I know it sounds like someone died, but something you created just did).

To everyone else cited in the letter, I suggest you tread carefully. Microsoft will never tell you "We don't mind *blank*" because that could potentially harm their legal position. Microsoft felt that TNG could cause harm to their Corporation, and they are entitled to defend their interests.

Wouldn't you?

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:14 am


Funny how you changed your site after some of the facts I mentioned in this thread. I guess you didn't realized what you were doing huh, that or I guess you WERE doing something you weren't suppose to and wanted to try and cover your butt.

Also I've also posted a comment on your site main page. I suggest you change that as it is very close to libel and untrue. You are making TOTAL assumptions an anyone can see that. Here is a copy of what I said:



Look, we've been friends apparently up to this point. However THIS is borderline libel. You have your facts all messed up and you are saying some pretty hefty stuff about us.

1: You don't even know WHAT we tried to copyright, or do you have access to fedral documents that the rest of us don't.

We did NOT attempt to copyright anything by any other mod that contributed to TNG. We only went to copyright stuff that was our own, IE. Spawn's Artwork and ships.

2: Your hostile universe is still not all that of an original work and that was extremely arrogant. You're still using the original freelancer engine to create it.

3: I can't believe the rest of what you said. Now change this stuff before I formally file a libel suit and don't think I want that.

I'll go right past you and contact your hosting company if need be and by law they have to look into the matter.

Starfyre Studios

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:35 am

i try to be peace keeper!!
just damn f*cking insults
it goes on and on and on and on!!!
never f*cking stopping
what the hell is wrong with u all!!!!
f*ck this! b*tch screw u! *****************
thats all i see!!!!
why cant we have peace
its been complete HELL here since it happened!!!!

"Turn left at fork in road......
In Soviet Russia, road forks you!"

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:46 am


You can calm down now. The main reason it was hell was because alot of people made hell for themselves and I puposely lit fires to get people so angry they would express how they really felt.

Call me a manipulating bastard, but out of all the moddding community, we KNOW the few who we can rely on and alot of those we can't now.

Now that's it done, things should get very quiet. I'll get tons of flames for what I did, but those people pretending to be friends shouldn't have.

To set the record straight, the manipulation was aimed at finding out where the modding community stood. We needed to know if we were going to fight it.

Would you go to court if you knew only 2% of the people were supporting you. At this point we have very little support both in terms of people and money.

We would not and could not fight this.

As for what I told Giskard above, I am covering my butt also.

He is changing his site and might try and claim that it is not like that. Well it won't be after his changes, but before it was. Several people I know tend to listen to what holes other people find with what they do and then fix it, THEN dispute it after it's fixed. Major companies do it all the time.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 06:37:21

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:54 am

It is sad the amount of people who will do that to prove themselves right, in actuality, by fixing up whatever they did, then try to cover it, they REALISE what THEY were doing was WRONG, and then they put it RIGHT, and try to say it was NEVER WRONG.

It just shows thier weak character.

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:59 am


I started this thread to let you see why im annoyed and perhaps give you some tips on how to raise funds without getting in to trouble. But 5 minutes ago I got an email entitled Mother #### from Casey \"Spawn\" Kline" <[email protected]. The content is even worse than the title.

Through out this incident you and your team have show a total lack of respect for the rest of this community. Youve been too busy covering your own backs to even bother informing the rest of us what was going on.

We would not even know now if a third party had not informed us.

So since the flaming has started and no attempt at an appology is in sight I dont really see much of reason for continuing to chat. Especially since your saying its our fault we got listed because we wanted credit for our work and not your fault for how you used that work.

If you wisen up and decide an appology is in order and stop trying to cast the blame everywhere we might actually support you and help you to clear this mess up. Until then I fear your on your own.

In the mean time, tell your team to stop sending me emails like I got today. Im not stupid, I know who to forward them too if they persist in flaming me via email.

Anyway, this attempt to sort things out clearly failed and clearly TNG are still trying to blame everybody else so I see no point in revisiting this topic again. I'll sort my own position out with MS my self.


Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:26 am

Look here, I may be immature in someways, but I DO NOT SEND HATEMAIL.

Most of the time, my thoughts in my brain stay in there.

NOW, I never held back information on my big system, until people began to copy it's ideas for thier own purposes, (e.g. Kaiten's MOD, which from what I have heard he is no longer working on)
I had ALL the information on it in clear view, in a post ABOUT IT, I even showed when I updated the information on it, IS THAT A CRIME GISKARD?
especially when people think "oooh, what a good idea, I'll use that too" That is what everyone does, do you wanna know why? because it WAS A GOOD IDEA.
Maybe I dont like flattery, so I took the information down, you know what was on that post Giskard? do you wanna know what I wrote?
I'll tell ya

"!!DONT COPY ANY IDEAS AND PUT IT INTO YOUR MOD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!! (well ones that havent been thought of anyway)"

meaning don't copy this crap, and if you do provide me evidence of you thinking of it first, hard evidence like on a forum.

Like one of my quotes said
"Imitation is the most sicerest form of flattery"

Have you seen how many other cola drinks there are out there? they are all pretty much similar, like Pepsi and Coke.


Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:41 am

I could say the same
Through out this incident, most of the community has shown a total lack of respect or niceness to us, in fact most of you flamed us, your statement is irrelevant.

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