Post Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:44 pm

Natural Selection Mod for FL

I'm fairly certian this belongs here, please forgive me if it isn't.

Have any of you played Counter Strike? Well, there's a mod for it called Natual Selection.

One player is the Commander who had a top down view of the map and can see his units (Other Players) wandering around.

I was thinking that you if you could do that for FL, it'd be great for a clan war.

You have one person as the commander, looking at the star map. It lists the location of his fleets and his bases and the bases of the enemy, but not the fleets.

He can cordnate attacks that way.

It would encorperate the destri universe mod, naturaly. It would be much better if players could build bases. Then you could have your home base where you want it to be.

Anyway, thats my thought for the hour.

Life: No one gets out alive.