Working on a Lib.-Bre.-Rhe. Balance mod, any tips or help?
I am stuck at a certain decsion-making crossroad. Should I:
1.) *Easiest* Edit Lib and Bre's weapons to just be stronger, even though they'd still be class 1-3
2.) *And this goes in with my idea of "Balance" but is much more complicated* Increase the weap-shield classes on the ships and then edit the npc's loadouts to have the stronger weapons? But then it would seem silly that the LN would use measly Justice MKIs on a class-6 max Patriot...
3.) *Don't think it's harder per se, but will take longer* Increase a certain gun's power but make it a higher class to be more in sync with the rest of the game, so if I did that then I WOULD have to alter the loadouts for the npcs or Liberty wouldn't be able to use those class-5 lava guns.
So which course of action should I take? Should I combine several or all of them, leave out certain things? Any technical help with the loadout editing or whatnot would be appreiciated, as well.