Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:23 am by firebase
Actually it is a heavy fighter. No, Slipstream XJ-376 is its real name. i created it to be nimble and fast, i think it can run upto 150 with out the use of its thruster. of course it supports two thruster, when activated it goes up to 500 at 15 sec burn time. tho it has a low cargo space because of its enourmous engine. much like riding those sports car. It is really a very powerful ship. I already created instructions in pasting its components and whishes that it would not be tampered.
My Apologies to you as you cannot edit its specs. Wanderer and i really sweat this out when creating it. it is actually balanced for the NextGeneration Mod. And it is supposedly to be a liberty ship. Being the superior system it must have a superior vehicle.
Anyway this is the specs.
armor: 12000
power : 9/10
guns/turret: 6 forward guns/1 rear turret
max normal speed: 150
max boosted speed: 500 (i think)
addition accessories: CM, M, CD/T
cargo space: 35
Working hard to earn... but too lazy to do something...