Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:49 pm by Chips
history buff - create a new hard point for it in the ships cmp file - see below
You will need the UTF editor, and ini decompressor here. Open up the UTF editor, then open file button. You will have to go the freelancer data file, then ships. Choose which nations ship you want to change - So for the Valkyre - it is the Rhienland_Elite folder. Open up the rh_elite.CMP file. In the left side of the screen you will see a very small + \ click on the + sign to expand the tree. Now different things are mounted on different parts of the ship, but basically whatever you open from here (Rh_elite_lod102thingystuff.3db) will also have several ‘nodes’ or chains to the branch. You are looking for the hardpoints node. Expand and you will find fixed and revolute. The revolute generally holds weapon and torpedo mounts, and the fixed your shields, thrusters and other things. On the Valk, the thrusters are on the Rh_tail_lodthing.3db. Obviously the thing part is a load of numbers.
To create a newhardpoint, ensure that the root node is highlighted (revolute node) and then click on the add node button. You will see new node at the bottom. Click once to highlight it, then right and left click it to be able to type in a new name. This should be HpWeapon06 for a gun, HpTordedo02 for a torp. The numbers at the end is the number of the new hardpoint, i.e., if you have 5 gun mounts then you already have HpWeapon01—05.
So this is the follow on mount - make sure you don’t replicate the same mount number here though - check the other nodes to make sure!
Now highlight your new HpTorpedo02 node and then click add node five more times. You should now be able to expand your Hp node and see five more new nodes. Name these Axis, Max, Min, Orientation and Position. MAKE SURE YOU SPELL EM RIGHT!. Highlight one and click on edit - and a window saying simple ship data opens. This is where you enter the values for these. p.s(all the time interpret data box should be saying float array)
HpTorpedo02 — Axis
So now you have your five nodes for each torpedo hardpoint (Hp). Okay, I am lazy - so all I do is edit each node from the other torpedo mount(brings in the simple data screen) and highlight and copy the values, then edit my new nodes, and paste away!
This means that the values in the Axis, Max, Min, Orientation and Position for two weapons will be identical—but if you are a perfectionist - change the position slightly then - you don’t need to change the rest of it at all, unless you want to make a gun fire backwards that is……..
the axis are always the same - something to do with the ship
the max and min are for the rotation of the mount (arcs) to do with pie...ie 0.27pie = so many degrees or what have you - same with the min values - copy and paste for the same sort of mount(moves the same amount)
Orientation is for which way it faces in the x,y,z directions - have the same values and the position is where it is located on the ship - you can change it but why bother...lol...is still works fine.
save all this - then go into the shiparch.ini file and find your modded ship - then just add the new hardpoint for the torp to the files
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01, HpTorpedo02
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01, HpTorpedo02
this means that both mounts can hold torps/disruptors
save and your ship will have another torp mount - works in MP as well.....
Enjoy - and happy firing!