Post Sat Jun 28, 2003 10:55 pm

Modding Questions

First Modification
I currently have the Current Bootstrap mod and i've modified it to have the CSV flyable and buyable at Pittsburg. This doesn't feel right to me. I beleive the CSV should be only buyable at junkers bases and one would need to be on good terms.

Therefore my question. What are the Base addresses for all the Junkers bases in liberty.

Second Modification.
I believe that the Junkers should have better weapons, therefore, two more Barragers. MkIII and MkIV.
Through my knowledge of modifiying the CSV in, I have a good Idea on how to do this, but I'm a little clueless. I oughta look through a tut(and will momentarly after this post) but if any would like to give pointers feel free.

Then I shall probably sit around with my Ultimate Junkers mod alone until I diddle around enough with FLMM to figure out how to make it work in that format.

Ahead of time....Thank You.