@Wraith :
Anyway i stuck 3 guns and 2 torpedos on this one. However i only did this 'cause this is what i read on a Tachyon website that the loadout was. Just goes to show you cant believe everything you read on a website
MD has given it 6 guns, 1 turret and 2 torpedos/missiles on the Rebalance one so you could check that one out. Trouble is striking the balance between keeping it close to the original and filling a niche somewhere in FL. E.g. i did the elite ships and to stay true to the originals they all should have had 1 gun and maybe a couple of missiles at a push obviously there would have been no point in such ships in FL. Your list of stats seems reasonable tho so i'll go with that when i release the ships on their own. Might trim down the number of missiles (i.e. torpedo) hps tho cause more than 2 on a FL ship makes it a hassle to fire them.
There are a few hidden hp's on the Archangel here tho so you could easily convert it to 4 guns, 3 torpedos with a few tweaks. Deativating the ship in FLMM then reactivating after you have finished is the easiest way. First you need to change the gun in the middle to a torpedo, to do this get FLUTF edit and open up arachangel.cmp. Click on 'archangel.3db' -> 'Hardpoints' -> 'Revolute' and find the HPWeapon05 one. Rename it to HpTorpedo01 and save overwriting the old .cmp. Hp/Weapon/01 and 02 are hidden gu mounts in the pods eith side of the cockpit and are set up with a limited roation so they wont go through the pod walls. Maybe you already know how to sort this but if not activating them is really easy - just edit script.xml, find the lines that say :
hp_type = hp_gun_special_X, HpWeapon03 , HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
(there are 7 lines like this with X from 1-7)
and add in the 2 hidden Hps and remove the redundant HpWeapon05 bit so they say this :
hp_type = hp_gun_special_7, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03 , HpWeapon04
Now it will have 4 guns, 2 missiles/torpedos.
Then you need to add in your new torpedo launcher on the front.
Find the lines that say :
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo02
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo02
Copy and paste these lines changing your pasted two so they say :
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
This sets that up as a valid Hp and means it can mount both types of torp available. Save script.xml and reactivate the ship, now it will have 4 guns and 3 torps.
Or you could save yourself alot of hassle and play it with 3/2.. Depends on how much of a Tachyon purist you are tho