harpoints are not textured, they are(if were talking milkshape here) just used (i think) to get an average point in the centre.they are just points to join things to in the game not actual textured polygons.
seem to be just hanging off the hull
if you mean by this they sort of jump around and look silly. the problem there is the orientation is wrong (at this point i normally edit the cmp as i "seem" to have problems getting the orientation right sometimes in milkshape.there is a great tutorial on harpoints/cmp editing in the tutorial forum)
if you just mean they have gaps between the gun and hull/etc... just move them closer to where they are supposed to be joined too).
for weapons i normally have the triangles sort of sticking through what ever the mount is supposed to be on (the exporter/game is supposed to attach them to the closest surface but it does have a threshold where it dosen't seem to "snap to"
anything else i will need to a better definition to see if i can help.
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