Biniqdu and Bini command line
ok i have used both these programs and i think biniqdu is really good but it keeps messing my files up i think, and bini command lind seems to work the best. the bad part is recompressing is had i do it through dos and dont know any other way to do it. i also get a problem where i click my fl and i chnaged the files so that the videos dont kick in and i dont have any probs and i know thats not the prob because i have done it with the videos. My problem is that my fl crashes aftyer i chnage sum files pretaining to me adding ghr osiris to be buyabkle on an mp server, but it crashes and i undo what i did and it stillc rashes. then i go further and i take out theautosaves and my fl folder in the my docs or whatever and still i get an error. Anyone one know what i should do for both problems. sorry for typos
thanx in advance SuBXeRo
Mess With the Best Die lIke the Rest
thanx in advance SuBXeRo
Mess With the Best Die lIke the Rest