Sat May 24, 2003 3:29 pm by Duriel_LOP
I have been slugging away at it all night , and so far i have only found it if we were to mod it in it would be linked with these files...
maybe solararch.ini
how i reached the conclusion that it would have to be implemented into these files is that i looked at the baxter hazard in Omega 3 (i think it is a particle fountain) and the one (bl hazard- no name given or known) in New York Badlands, where the Benford research station was.
this was in space_ale.ini
nickname = gf_blhazard_01
alchemy = fx\space\gf_blhazard_01.ale
effect_crc = -474633273
textures = fx\missleeffect.txm
textures = fx\newglows.txm
textures = fx\sidedistortion.txm
textures = fx\kioncannon.txm
textures = fx\sarma.txm
and i found this in effects.ini
nickname = gf_blhazard_01
vis_effect = gf_blhazard_01
and these were in solararch.ini
nickname = blhazard
ids_name = 60239
ids_info = 60240
DA_archetype = solar\misc\blhazardbox.3db
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = blhazard
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
nickname = baxter_hazard
ids_name = 60239
ids_info = 60240
DA_archetype = solar\misc\blhazardbox.3db
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = baxter_mission5
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
Im sure i could implement them now, except for one problem...
Which .3db file do i use???? im guessing the blackhole one. i will try figuring this out. another problem is which .ale file do i use? it says to use standardeffects.ale, but im not sure what to name it in effects.ini?
that is what is stopping me at the moment. anyone do ya think you cvould help?