Post Sat May 24, 2003 6:35 am

Escape Pods, Slaves, and Han''s "a few modifications m

Hey Guys, the info presented here has been very helpful. I don't think I have the skill to alter hex CMD files, or create 3d models, but have been able to sup up certain things with INI editing etc. Couple questions though... Everyone remembers Chris Robert's first FL game: Privateer? I've tried at length to get it to run on XP- finally gave up when FL came out...and mostly satisfied, save one thing...Being a Pirate more than privateer, I remeber the lucrative slave business in Privateer. Capture an escape pod and sell it to a Pirate base. Freighters and transports had more..etc. Can you edit just the commodity or ship INI files so that ships drop these when destroyed? They already have escape pods.. Also.. I love the Cylon ship rendering in Hostile Universe mod...and amped up the stats as needed for a little Han Solo "made some improvements myself" idea, I know hardpoints can only be added in CMD files..existing HPoints can be altered in INI...but where do you find out what engine the ship I can up that in the engine.ini file..AND to add more to an already long post, rememeber in Privateer you could get a percent of your hold sheilded so that scanners could not penetrate it for smuggling drugs(good old Brilliance) that a possibility in FL? thanx...