Post Tue May 20, 2003 7:30 am

Mission Ideas

First Off don't Flame Me lol
Is my First post, but have been reading for a week or so now.
I have read several people are working on more missions, but have seen no specifics.

1)The Only thing I'm dissapointed about in this game are the missions after the SP campaign. They are ok as basic missions but are far from interactive. The News and talking to NPC's is sorta dull

If someone is working on missions here are a few ideas.
1)Longer missions: John Dillenger was last spotted on the planet Crete.
You get there and then get a position on him or see his ship using a hypergate out. (The point is to track him through more than one system.)

2)Wanted Posters in the NEWS: bounty & Faction rewards for bringing them in.

3)Random Escapes for previously captured villians, and revenge parties sprung after you visit a base within their territory afterwards.

4)Helping a faction gain ground (take over an enemy base) or stop their expansion plans cold (gaining a bounty on your head)

Lastly I enjoy finding some of the class 10 guns etc.. on wrecks but would much prefer to earn them. (taking them off some Top Guns dead body)

SO I guess what I'm asking for is some NPC Top Gun type pilots and ships for the factions, and the Missions to use them.
It's fun to fly Boba Fetts ship, would be more fun to have him come after you for driving the knock-off or calling him BOBO lol

The Only difference between Me and a Madman is I'm not Mad.