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How can I include other music into Freelancer ?

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sat May 17, 2003 3:25 pm

How can I include other music into Freelancer ?


Sorry if this has been covered before I did check the forums but couldn't any answers.

I am wondering how to change the music in Freelancer. I can copy favourite freelancer music over other freelancer music (providing I change the name to the original overwritten file, eg the big battle music you get with the huge SP story battles I now have playing for virtually every battle I have in Freelancer).

However I am now keen to import other music into the game and this is where my problem lies. If you look at Freelancer music files they say .wav, however they are .mp3 files coded at 80K/s joint stereo @ 22050khz. They also use v3.2 id Tags. I have edited new .mp3s to roughly the same length, and made them match in terms of the attributes above, however Freelancer will not play it. I have modified create and last dates on the new files to match original files but to no avail.

The only thing of significant difference between the new and original files is that the Mp3 header position starts at 82 bytes whereas mine starts at 2086 approx. I am at a loss as to how to get the music into freelancer and humbly ask here if someone here has any ideas or answers.

Many thanks in advance for any info,


Edited by - alienrider on 17-05-2003 16:28:15

Post Sat May 17, 2003 5:03 pm


I have not much time now, but it is possible to add new music to FL.

It has been some time ago when I tried this, so I wouldn't know the exact details (and have no time to figure them out again right now) but you should make sure you save your music files with the same properties as the original music files.

I used Goldwave to do this; I guess you can also do this with Coll Edit or any similar sound editor. I opened an existing music file, slienced it (this is an option in Goldwave which makes the graph flat --> silence) and copied-and-pasted the music I needed into this file;l this way you needn't bother about the properties. You can save this file under any name; just make sure you don't change anything about the properties.

I believe you must also specify this music file in music.ini

I hope this works for you too.

Post Sat May 17, 2003 6:37 pm

Where can I find the music for the "avenge the donau" mission, Im guessin that's the big battle music, ive been trying to find that file, btw (heh i just figured out what that meant ) you guys r makin some progress, since u can now share knowledge n put ur heads 2 gether. Someone's bound to make a music mod or two very soon

General Fang
Equipment Dealer
and pirate
at your service
look for me on elite

Post Sun May 18, 2003 9:05 am

"Avenging the Donau", I believe that is Music_Dangerous_Chase.wav. Another good one is Music_Reveal_Enemy_Pos.wav, the 16-second clip approx. 16 seconds into it. I burnt those to an audio cd, hee hee.

Post Sun May 18, 2003 6:06 pm


Firstly big thanks Hans olo for your reply, I couldn't get it to work as when I saved the file back out it saves it in standard MP3 format which then doesn't work. Maybe I was missing something but i just couldn't put the new data into the old file without having to save it but then of course it is saved out in standard mp3 format.

DJScratchman Titanite is right ! music_upcoming_action_heavy.wav is the music that helps introduce the Big Battle Music.

/* Use information at your own risk, should work fine but I take no responsibility */

Anyway I did some further investigation and got it finally to work. I took a Hex editor to those '.wav files' and found out that they are RIFF-MP3 Format files. This is an extended MP3 format created for special uses. What you do is create a .mp3 file coded at 80K/s joint stereo @ 22050khz. You get a mp3 to RIFF-MP3 format converter; a good command line one can be found here (shareware, time limited but worth $10) :-

There is an option for controlling the length of RIFF-MP3 playing from within the RIFF-MP3 header. So make sure this is set to 0 if using the studiodust one to ensure unlimited length of play. (Read more on their site)

Backup old Freelancer sound file you wish to replace, and then rename your RIFF-MP3 file to gamesoundfilename.wav. It should then pick up your music file when looking for that sound filename. You can then customize all the music in Freelancer with music of your choice. At the moment I am flying around Bretonia Space to an excerpt of Future Sound Of London - Dead Skin Cells. Awesome !!!! Hope this is of help to others.

Regards and thanks,


PS Some tips,

Its advisable to keep the excerpt you use roughly the same length as the original file you replace. It might work being longer it might not. :-)

Try to begin and end your piece at similar sounding points that way when Freelancer loops the music it doesn't jar.

Check loudness levels of the new piece otherwise you will be in danger of drowning out all else.

Post Sun May 18, 2003 7:09 pm


Cool you figured it out! Although your method gives more insight into the file properties,I'll stick to my method (mixing ned music over a slienced copy of an original music file) because then I needn't think about those properties

Thanks for your tips. It is indeed imprtant to balance the volume level of the tracks you use.

As I said, it has been some time ago I was into this music thing, but I recall that the file size don't matter; Freelancer plays the entire wav you give it, then starts again. it is of course unadviseable to use very long tracks, as these would make up huge files.

To elaborate somewhat on this topic: It is also nice to use new music for the landing scenarios of your newly created planets. These should be about 20 to 25 seconds.

Suppose we create a system called Nirvana and a planet called Shangrila (don't read further if you don't know ho to create a system). We will need 3 tracks for the system (the normal background music, the bg music when there is danger, and the bg music for battles), and one for the planet. The 3 system bg tracks will be played as a loop, as long as you are in space, in danger, in battle. The planet tracks is played one time, while you are landing on the planet.

Both the system background music files and the planet music file should be in the folder ..\Freelancer\DATA\AUDIO\MUSIC and should be mentioned in the music.ini file, whcih is in the folder ..\Freelancer\DATA\AUDIO , as follows:

(NB - of course the parameters should be closed by a closing bracket, but the forum script seems to remove these)

nickname = music_nirvana_space
type = music
file = audio\music\music_nirvana_space.wav
attenuation = -10
streamer = true

nickname = music_nirvana_danger
type = music
file = audio\music\music_nirvana_danger.wav
attenuation = -8
streamer = true

nickname = music_nirvana_battle
type = music
file = audio\music\music_nirvana_battle.wav
attenuation = -8
streamer = true

nickname = rtc_music_shangrila
type = music
file = audio\music\music_shangrila.wav
attenuation = 0

This file adds a nickname to a msic file. Of course, the nick name references should correspond to the actual filenames. I don't know what the attenuation value stands for; i just copied these from some other references.

In the file defiing the nirvana system (I suppose this would be called 'nirvana.ini') the following will have the files being played:

space = music_iw_space
danger = music_iw_danger
battle = music_iw_battleyed:

In the file describing the planetscape or cityscape of planet Shangrila (which could be called 'nirvana_shanrgila_planetscape.ini'), there is a parameter [Room_Sound which is used to specify the bg sound:

music = music_khazaddum, oneshot
ambient = ambience_cityscape_light

I guess, but haven't checked this yet, that the second line refers to a bg sound which is played in a loop as long you are at the site where your ship is docked.

(Btw, I assume everone is using the existing planetscape / citysacpe scripts, or are people already creating new ones?)

What music should you use? Well, anything you like, but to match it to what's normal in the game, you should have some ambient tracks for the systems (if possible with three different levels of stress, for space, danger and battle situations) and some excerpts of classical music for the planetscapes. But maybe you would like to break with this tradition.

On "The Pearl", by Brian Eno and Harold Budd are some nice ambient tracks, somewhat remiscent of the Kusari space music. If I'll ever finish my mod, I'll use this.

"We are a way of the Cosmos to know itself"

-- Carl Sagan

Edited by - hans olo on 18-05-2003 20:10:25

Edited by - hans olo on 18-05-2003 20:11:53

Edited by - hans olo on 18-05-2003 20:17:34

Post Sun May 18, 2003 7:11 pm

Hi all,

*Additional* though music plays it does seem to force a loop after a minute regardless of length of track, not sure why will investigate and report back.


Post Sun May 18, 2003 7:17 pm

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your detailed reply, not really a modder just thinking if I am going to spend 50+ hrs with this game may as well change some of this music, lol, however appreciated the info as I may give modding a try, we'll see.

There does still seem to be something Freelancer uses to determine loop points within the tracks which is why I added my additional. Not a loop point per se but more something in the header that will tell Freelancer to loop it after a minute not sure. Hmmm puzzling ! ;-) But I love puzzles.

Hans, good to make your acquaintance and if I find out anymore will post here.

Take is easy,


Post Sun May 18, 2003 7:29 pm

Hi Alienrider,

I will indeed take it easy Actually I'm awaiting the day that someone will come up with an easy solution to create your own infocard info (there are some threads going on on this, but sofar they haven't enlightened me on the subject).

Although I'm not very much into sound now (as it makes your mod files very heavy because the audio files are very large, so I decided to get back to sound when I'm done with everything else), I'm interested in anything you might figure out.

About you remark about the music: the nice thing of GTA III, whcih I miss in FL, was the variety of music. If you don't know this game: your main activity is to steal cars, and there are about 8 radio stations which you can tune your car radio to. They should have that in Sirius too.

"We are a way of the Cosmos to know itself"

-- Carl Sagan

Post Tue May 27, 2003 5:17 am

is there an easier mp3 radio such as GTA3?just copy and paste... argh, changing the files... im purely lazy :p

argh i'm never gonna get paid, Goodbye a million credits

Post Tue May 27, 2003 4:16 pm

There should be radio channels for freelancer, like if u wanted to listen to howard stern u could just change the that would be kickass.

Anyway can someone make a mod where for when you get into battle in manhatten some heavy metal music plays (preferibly slipknot and old mudvayne)

Just suits the mood when your kicking ass and taking names.


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