Post Wed May 14, 2003 12:26 am

Hostile Universe Models and other mods.

Hello all.

I want to go the record on an issue that could get out of hand.

Firstly, I do not mind others using my models in mods IF they ask me first. The reason is not all the models in hostile universe where created by me, Kurgan supplied some of them. So to protect his rights and mine, please email me first if you wish to use any models from Hostile universe.

Secondly and the most important part is that I have been lucky enough to be part of a mod making community several times before. The best communitys for me where always the ones where mod makers shared what their knowledge and material and generally talk about everything from theory to actual features that work. You cannot do this by quietly borrowing a model without telling any body.

Also, my plans seem to be developing much faster than most peoples so I will probably have more to give than most. You guys may for instance find the idea of a hyperspace system interesting and i believe you would find it much easier if I gave you system and its contents as mod you could adapt to work with your own mod rather than to try and rip it out of Hostile Universe later.

I know my own mod better than anybody after all.

Finally, my site has in the past offered source for scripts and other items ive used via my download area as a service to other mod makers. Some mod makers even contributed to it. If there is a demand for individual features from Hostile Universe I could start offering the source for those parts on the site directly to mod makers in zip format.

Yet none of this will ever happen if I am treated like a mushroom about stuff you guys like enough to use in your mods.

What ever community I join and start modding for, I always do 2 things.

1) I try and support what ever dedicated gaming site exists for that community, in this case Lancers Reactor, because I know how important such sites are to a community generally and to modders like me.

2) I try and build up my own sites mod files which usually happens naturally because im making mods anyway.

So you see, I am an open source kinda of guy and happy to share almost anything I have with other sites or mod makers. I just like to be asked first.

I do not bite either, so dont be afraid to ask.


Edited by - giskard on 14-05-2003 01:30:10