Listing Nicknames
Do we Have a Text file or something that list the the different Bases and the Nicknames associated with them somewhere???
Do we Have a Text file or something that lists the Different Voices associated with the bases somewhere???
Do we have a text file that List the different Nicknames of the Costumes associated with each base somewhere???
Do we have a Text file that lists the Different nicknames of the Landing decks of each Base listed somewhere???
I'm Trying to creat An ACROBAT file to include the pictures and there associated files to use whilest editing a System.
Any help in any direction will at least keep me from standing still looking into space and pondering wether or not I got a lot of tedious work to be done or not.
Purplexus Out
24/7 server
Do we Have a Text file or something that lists the Different Voices associated with the bases somewhere???
Do we have a text file that List the different Nicknames of the Costumes associated with each base somewhere???
Do we have a Text file that lists the Different nicknames of the Landing decks of each Base listed somewhere???
I'm Trying to creat An ACROBAT file to include the pictures and there associated files to use whilest editing a System.
Any help in any direction will at least keep me from standing still looking into space and pondering wether or not I got a lot of tedious work to be done or not.
Purplexus Out
24/7 server