Making a System: Anwers to common questions.
Keywords System, Building, Asteriods, Nova, Nebula, Blackhole, Bases, Tradelane, Sun, Planet, Lighting.
Im sick of searching for this stuff and not finding it and not reading about it in the guides available so heres a rough list of missing items I couldnt find in this forum via my own searches. Please note, some questions are answered in part if your willing to search and read several threads but mostly the no thread has a complete answer to most of these.
Im going to pick up from where the system guide leaves off.
Heres the guide. ... s.asp?id=6
Bases are seperated into 2 types.
Planet and Stations, the configs list them as Deck or Cityscape under Bases/Rooms.
Solar/Loadouts.ini contains the configs for most bases if you want to make your own. Solar/asteroidarch.ini lists all the asteriod types available in the Asteriods folder in the same directory. Handy for reference. Star Colors are in solar/stararch.ini when your ready to set the up your systems look and feel.
Setting up custom rooms is delt with by Data/petaldb.ini, you can see several existing examples in there. Not hard to follow.
Note if you want to sell stuff on your stations you need a deck1 and deck2 file or the equipement commodities never stay open.
Building a system.
Most systems use tradelanes and jumpgates. Heres an explanation of how these works. First a not on coordinates.
System Grid.
North East Corner = -50000, 0, -50000
North West Corner = -50000, 0, 50000
South East Corner = 50000 0, -50000
South West Corner = 50000, 0, 50000
North = -50000, 0, 0
South = 50000, 0, 0
East = 0, 0, -50000
West = 0, 0, 50000
Center = 0, 0, 0
10,000 = 9km
Systems are made up from zones. Zones are very important to any system builder because they are used to assign encounters and system objects values.
Heres whats needed to put a nebula in your new system.
file = solar\nebula\yo01_frankjg_smog_cloud.ini
zone = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods
The file points to Data/solar/nebula because thats where my nebula config is. Most of the files in there contain exclusion zones that must be edited if they are to work with your system. So dont just add a nebula without checking the config first. You only need to check the exclusions zones, you can leave rest of the config alone if you like.
Back in your system ini file. Mines yo01.ini.
This matches my zone with the above solar nebula ini file i created. The zone is created in my yo01.ini further down.
file = solar\nebula\yo01_frankjg_smog_cloud.ini
zone = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods
Heres my Zone.
nickname = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods
pos = 39000, 0, -1500
shape = SPHERE
size = 20000
property_flags = 65
spacedust = asteroiddust
spacedust_maxparticles = 125
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
Please not this is a basic zone, you can add encounters to this too if you like but im still working all this out my self so I wont go into too much detail here. The two important lines are.
nickname = Zone_yo01_farscape_asteriods
pos = 39000, 0, -1500
Pos is the position of the center of our nebula. 0, 0, 0 is the system used. works out to (from center) West (-)/East of center, higher/ (-) lower of from center, (-)(-) North or south of center. The (-) means its a negative number. 0,0,0 being the center of your system.
We want our Asteroids at the East edge just below the center line so we use pos = 39000, 0, -1500.
But we have a trade gate there so we dont want asteriods blocking it so we use an excusion zone. Heres mine.
nickname = ZONE_yo01_farscape_exclusion
pos = 39000, 0, -1501
shape = SPHERE
size = 6000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
I made my exclusion zone slightly off from the original asteriod zone (ok nebula but i use it too keep asteriods out but allow the nebula in ok) just incase that matters. I kept getting crashes when i had them in the exact location. Not sure what this means yet but adding 1 to the pos does work. What this does is it sets up an area that the Solar configs are not allowed to use. You have add exclusion = ZONE_yo01_farscape_exclusion in the exclusion part of your solar/asteriod or nebular config. A good trick is to add it to the asteriod config but not the nebula one as this allows the nebula in to that zone but no nasty rocks.
Part 2 coming up.
Edited by - giskard on 21-04-2003 19:42:09