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The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:23 am

Everything I've learned so far (which isn't a lot admittedly) about modding Freelancer has been from searching (Ctrl-f and search forum link at the top of the page) Only one or two of my (many many) questions have been answered by actually posting them, the rest were from me poking about the forums and main page. On a couple of occasions I posted a question, then found my answer afterwards elsewhere in the forums. I feel sort of silly since I was obviously being a bit lazy. The answers were right there after all. This is the reason that I think that people who drop into the forum and make their first post "Hey! How do I do this?!?!??1!?11!?!?oneone1!!one" are obviously lazy people who want all of their wants and needs handed to them on a tray. I may be generalising a bit here, but when you see (over the course of two days) three different people ask how all of us are editing the ini files and all they can see are boxes when in the forum nextdoor (the tutorial forum) all of the information they want and more is in one of the first few threads. I understand what you are saying when you say that not all of the subjects have been expanded upon or completely explained, but I think that the complaints are arising from people asking how to do things that have been explained at length like changing Trent's clothes or how to add ships to shops.

*checks his ramble-o-meter* Yep, it's about empty. Sorry about that. :p

(drat, why does this thing always kill my sig? :
Edited by - Hadrian on 22-04-2003 01:24:04

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:37 am

Ive actually done a tutorial giving indepth information. No one replied to it and it got burried in the boards. IT tells most things to know about ship modification. I think it was called How to add any nc-mp ship... Or something like that.

Im not saying you shouldnt ask for help. Im saying you shouldnt ask for a complete mod to be made for you. I was new here about 4 weeks ago. I looked at various tutorials, and made a compilation of knowledge. IF something didn't work, i tried it a 2nd time before posting about it.

New users should read the Read me first topics before posting. I'm not against more people joining the modding community. If you want help on another users mod, you can message that user by email or AIM, or reply in the topic for that mod.

Post topics if you need help with something if its not repetative. If you still need help and your topic is falling, dont post a new one, simpily post a reply to your topic.

I also think it would be a good idea if the admins would create a Mod Recruitment forum (or is there one? Cant remember right now) for people to post in. Because heres what happens:

1. Someone decides to start a mod. They know what they are talking about.
2. New user logs onto boards. Sees all the recruitment posts and decides to make his/her own, thinking that anything is possible.
3. Go back to 2.

Don't flame me or call me anti-noob. I always offer help (Message me on AIM TheHonestPizza or MSN [email protected]) If you need help. Sorry if im a little slow at replying to emails (Homework and other stuff).

Freelancer Software Development Kit

Edited by - Genius on 22-04-2003 02:38:09

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:11 am

genius for christ sakes stfu u complain to much just deal not al stuff is the same having a wide variety of titles is good because sum ppl arent clear about what they want... or you just dont read..

Mess With the Best Die lIke the Rest

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:27 am

Actually I could be considered a noob because I only started working with Freelancer less than 2 weeks ago. However in that time I've built 3 ships and, with help from several modders, put together a kick-ass Rheinland vs Liberty mod. How did I accomplish these things in under two weeks? By being persistant with requests for information. If you search for messages under my username you'll find them pasted all over the board. Did I find out what I needed? Yes. Was it informative and worth the posting? Yes. Were the topics already covered? Some, yes, but others burried under topics that had nothing to do with the question I was asking.

Using CTRL+F (or the find command) isn't the best way to get answers because RARELY do topics get covered under proper headings. The search box is a better way to find what you want, but isn't always accurate. So if I have to ask a question to find out something that might be considered easy in someone elses opinion then to hell with whoever wants to complain about it cause I'm gonna ask anyway. If you need an answer, you need an answer.

The problems I do have, and what I do consider spam, are people who are unwilling to go out and make an effort to try and do what they want. The people saying "Make me this" and "Make me that". If you want something in the game do it yourself. That's the only way you'll learn. Besides, most people that know how to build ships, or add universes, or modify code, have a billion things going through their mind that they would like to create. So, as you can see, nobody will get around to what you want done unless they're sitting around and bored out of their skull. Or they're interested in the same thing, such as the ongoing Star Wars mod which I believe started with a request. I could be wrong. At any rate, don't request someone else to build you something unless you've tried it yourself many times. Mod makers didn't know anything when they started out either.

Perhaps the easiest thing to think about when you go to post something would be, will my question simply help myself or others? If it only helps you, then odds are you arn't going to get any reply. If it might help someone else, who might later get in the same situation your in (like locating a planet in a new system) then feel free to ask because someone will be glad to help, usually even if it's been covered.

Another problem I have is people who reply to a question saying simply "Search the board, that's been covered before" because they're just being rude. If you've seen it somewhere on the board give them the dam topic link, unless your too lazy. That will help them out and keep them from posting the same question 30 times. You have to realize that being a **** will only make them spam their questions worse then they are. Thus, you add to the problem.

That's another 2 cents of mine... Can I get change?


I've just had the most disturbing encounter with a mad woman on the Holodeck. - Holographic Doc

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:26 pm

Genius: no worries mate, i just felt some stuff needed to be said because not all searches provide info you'd fully expect to find. In fact most dont. I was surprised at how much is missing from the forums at the moment.

I do understand your point though, the world has doers and it has askers. Its better for a doer to ask than for an asker to ask because askers never do anything else. Just a waste of space. You can spot a doer because he is usually able to post an example of the problem in the form of code or pics, even if his work is totally wrong. The difference is the doer atleast tries and thats the most import thing.

Having said that, all doers where once askers, its important to encourage them so they can join the mod makers club and see why we all enjoy it so much. Lets face it, sitting on the sidelines saying to everybody else "thats a cool mod" does leave you out of loop. You cannot even enjoy a good techy chat about the merits of freighter engines over fighter engines for docking purposes lol

Before you ask, yes i am that sad

Anyway, a free flow of information is whats needed. I find being afraid of other peoples work is the surest way to make your own work look second rate. Its important to dive in, do your best, offer help and be willing to accept the fact that the guy you help today may be teaching you tomorrow.

I cannot count happen times this has happened to me. Give people a platform to launch them selfs from and they tend to root out the details you miss whilst constructing that platform for them to use. Personally I love it, its a form of pay back, information i dont have to dig for my self and another talking point for modders


Edited by - giskard on 22-04-2003 18:29:11

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:24 am

I'll tell you... until they updated the forums here, SPAM was expected. There were 10 stickies or pinned posts, the search engine was offline from time to time... It would have taken me an hour to go through the pinned posts. I've noticed less spamming in recent days since they fixed these problems by enabling hte search engine and breaking up the editing forum.

My first post on this forum was as to how to open the .ini files and no one flamed me (thanks all) but I've got to tell you, I was worried. It's hard for beginners. Also, remember that some folks are new to forums. I'm on at least 10 forums regularly, but for some folks, this is relatively new. They don't think to look or read the stickies.

I guess I'm just saying that I'm glad that this is such a kindly editing forum and that folks don't just flame first and answer questions much later.

Thanks folks.

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 2:27 am

2 other problems occur with people asking questions.
Sometimes the ctrl-f thing wont work because they havent shown the topics fromt he last 2 years. I do it but it takes so long for my poor old 56k to load the page its useless. So its not quite their fault.
And against them, people are lazy but sometimes they really have searched and can't find the answer. Or (like i did in the beginning) had unique problems with files and were hit for "not looking" when none of the topics address their specific problems (mine was the mbases.ini file, when changed, deleted all exit sounds from planet ex. "Freelancer Alpha1-1 this is You are cleared for launch" and deleted all people form the bars, and got rid of all missions) give em a chance and they will help others later. Its kinda like hazing...

Moo like a duck...well...a big duck but still.

-With enough preserverance and enough peanut butter, we can sucessfully stick a duck to the ceiling[!

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:39 am

> OK. Before you post press control and f to find if anything similar to what you
> are posting has already been posted. I see so many PLZ MAKE ME A MOD OK
> THK. Would you people please stop doing that? Not only is it really annoying, it
> prevents people from actually getting useful information.

Stop spamming.

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