Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 1:42 am

Hull and Shield Problems

Hey, it's me again. Well, I was fiddling around with stats and came out with an odd problem.

First, hulls. I set the HP for the Eagle at 5000 and flew around in SP for a while. In an attempt to make things more challenging I set the damage for the weakest laser at 180 and refitted all ships to carry the weapons.

So I'm flying around in Bretonia, happily blowing up random ships, when it hits me: THEY AREN'T DOING ME ANY DAMAGE. I mean, even at 5000hp getting hit by 260 and 310 damage guns ought to hurt the hull. It drains my shields in three seconds but the hull is undamaged. Slamming into a station at 1200kps doesn't do a thing. Bizarre.

Then I started attacking Bretonian military ships for the hell of it, and -surprise, surprise- they're invulnerable too! What the hell? I know the new ship models I have dissapear at certain LODs, but this shouldn't affect the game - right?

Then I take my new edited Starflier out for a spin, where, for some reason, the shield's won't regenerate. I know I said I wante dto make things more challanging, but not like this. Since I want to do away with shield batteries entirely eventually, this is a problem.

Anyone have a clue what the hell is going on?