Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:11 am

Need help editing Freelancer

Hello everyone! I'm having trouble understanding this whole editing thing. Freelancer keeps crashing when I try to go to the equipment dealer, and it also says I can't launch without engines. Here's what I did.

I used the BiniQDU program to edit the Titan (at least I think it's the Titan, it's the only ship with the max nanobot limit of 71). Either way I only changed the nanobot and shield battery limits up to 300, and added some hull hit points. I also made it so all the hard points are capable of of equipping Level 10 guns. I saved the files as text files, and then edited them. Then I reopened them in Bini, and resaved them as INI files. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. Is it that my values are too high?

Also I'd like to know how to figure out what engine I'm using, and what the ID tag for it is. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I've read through a lot of the forums here, but it doesn't seem to work.

By the way, I'm only using this in SP mode, not MP. I just wanted to start learning how to edit Freelancer. Thanks a lot.