Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:41 am

Any progress been made on missions?

I was wondering if anyone had been working on new mission types (if at all possible) for the game. If anyone is, I have some suggestions :We have Assassination, Destroy Base (ha, if you can even call them that with their HPs..) , Destroy Ships, and Capture, but mission types such as Escort, Trade, Espionage, and Diplomatic (between 2 factions) would be a welcome addition. Epic scale Base and Planetary assaults/raids would be interesting to do also, with several battleships, cruisers, gunboats, and dozens of fighters involved (maybe it could be coded so that you don't need to destroy the station, you're just engaged in battle for 10-20 minutes and then you pull back to your base). Anyways, thats just my .02 credits.

"I hear voices in my head and they don't like you."