Post Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:49 pm

Making a whole new gun system, need opinions.

Been tinkering with some mod ideas and so far I've found two that work...well, sorta. I've made two gun mods for use in the game (both require a level 10 capable ship to run them, and even then it's almost as deadly to use them as it is to be on the recieving end of them.

The first one is the death blossem. Some may remember this from "The Last Starfighter" of which its design was drawn from. The only thing is, the death blossem is not directly connected to the ship. I found out if I did that it would royally screw up FPS by making the ship spin all over heck thus forcing the game to change views very rapidly. That in itself hosed even my FPS on the leanest settings. So what the attack does is it launches 60 individual gun pots in 3 rings of 20 pods each. Once deployed you can't recall them till they're done. It doesn't hurt you in the area of gun energy, but you sure better pray you're stocked up on nanobots and shield batteries because while it's laying the smack down on the enemy it's giving you a thurough *** whipping as well. I haven't found a way yet to effectively made this mod work well against the enemy without being brutal on the end user either. But I'll eventually figure that out. This mod is setup to mount half and half on your countermeasure mount and your mine mount. So if you mount this, you can't mount either of the other two. Sorry, but I needed a good mount point that wouldn't take away from my gun power.

The second mod is the BASG. Short for Big *** shot gun. That's perty much what it is. It's a small pod that mounts in your rear turret point and unfolds to reveal a huge multi-barrel shotgun of sorts. So far on this one it's dead effective at ranges of 200m or less, but not much beyond that, so you have to get them in close to use it. One shot will take out any level 10 ship it hits instantly. Current drawbacks are that if your shields aren't at 100% as well as hull armor, it will kill you. Firing it takes your shields on a level 10 fighter down to like 10% as well as hull armor. SO if you're not 100%, expect to get killed. But also expect it to anihilate anyone within a 90 degree arch in front of you. Refire is set at 0.05, so it takes forever before you can shoot it again. It also soaks your gun energy hard. It doesn't recover for a good 5 seconds after firing.

Neither mod is ready for use as they're still causing some crashes and weirdness in the game, but overall they seem ok. Anyone want to provide some input into maybe some changes to these? I'm trying to ballance their extreme power with consequences of use so that we don't have people walking into an open area, firing at random and nuking everything in sight with no effort. I want these to be one of those kind of mods that makes everyone go "OH SH**!!" when you show up with one, but at the same time I don't want it to be such that it's impossible for someone to defend against you if you have them.