**new mod/project** Adding on to freelancer
My projects goal is as follows:
-make all current ships available
-make NEW ships that fit the theme
-make all weapons available yet balanced
-make new commodities, weapons, trade routes and items
-make new systems for exploration, particularily in the border world since its the only free space on the map
-make new factions, both good and bad
-make a good base for modders to use as examples and provide new ideas for their mods
-make all new additions perfectly balanced
im new and i need staff in almost all of the fields, but currently i mainly need ppl that can easily make ships anditems available and ppl that can make new commodities and systems. until i get the current ships and items availabe im not going to attempt to create unique ones.
Most systems will remain untouched, except the 4 capitals and random worlds, aswell as the border worlds which will be enhanced and more populated/developed. Most criminal owned systems will have lots of enemies but the planets and some of the stations will be under control of the nearest government. For singleplayer i may decide to remove it except the first mission, the first mission will remain as a tutorial.
post ur comments and the like below