Post Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:07 pm

New at this

Hi there! I'm a newbie here. Call me Kee

Anyway I've been into 3D modeling for quite some time, and I consider myself moderatly talented. You can see my work at . However, everything I've made so far have only for the purpose of making pretty pictures and a few neat, short movies. I use an open sorce, shareware, 3D program called "Blender" ( I've never modded anything before and, to be honest, I'm kind of computer illiterate. I really want to become part of this though.

Could someone please help me? I don't even know where to begin. Are there any good tutorials that someone could direct me to?

Thanks a lot! =)

" 'One small step for man,' one giant leap into oblivian. 'We came in peace for all mankind' -so naive, so arrogent, did they really think they could deny millenia of bloodshed with a single gesture of unity?