Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:41 pm by ceylon
Well, I have playtested it quite a bit, and have come across the following problems.
1: It doesn't always choose the best path. That means I need to go in and totally re-write shortest_legal_path.ini. I do not look forward to this.
2: Jumpgates have some characteristics that I can't find settings for. For example, Jumpgates have only one entrance. Unlike jumpholes, you can only approach from one angle. I would like to find out where this is defined, because it means you can no longer zip right into a hole, then hit dock. It makes combat much more difficult around a hole, because your freighter cannot flee into a hole directly. It also means that your autopilot sometimes gets you stck flying in circles around a hole if you try the above trick of zipping in. You get caught inside of a certain distance from the hole, and your ship can't turn fast enough to get out of it, so it keeps turning and turning, but always overshooting the hole. The only way out is to disable autopilot, fly away and try again.
I don;t necessarily think 2 is a problem, as being able to pop up right on top of a space anomaly and zip through without being killed seems silly. You should have to scan it and plot an entry. But it does change a vital tactic that many people will complain about.
Any other bugs?