Is There A Guide To All Known FL Extensions?
the title just about sums it up, everyone should know what "ini" and "dll" are, but what is that 3db thing? i am not asking for an in-depth explanation on every type of file that freelancer uses, i would just like to have a general idea of how they are being used.
assuming i dont get the typical response to a rookie question (ctrl+f or some smart@$$ comment), i think the replies i get will help clear things up for a lot of ppl.
btw, i am making a webpage with everything i learn here on it, could be good to send newbs to so they know what they are talking about b4 they start typing away, and theres less junk on the forums...this will obviously help me (and eventually all other non-pros) with modding.
assuming i dont get the typical response to a rookie question (ctrl+f or some smart@$$ comment), i think the replies i get will help clear things up for a lot of ppl.
btw, i am making a webpage with everything i learn here on it, could be good to send newbs to so they know what they are talking about b4 they start typing away, and theres less junk on the forums...this will obviously help me (and eventually all other non-pros) with modding.