Hmm, then the obvious thing to do would be to use the utf_edit to look at the dagger model and get the info from those two underwing hardpoints (Hpxx01 and Hpxx02) and then add that exact information as new hardpoints for the saber.
They really are hardpoints on the dagger, since I did mount guns on them.
Now I have to try something really strange.
I redefined the HPxx01 and Hpxx02 slots to be, in a sense, OMNI hardpoints, able to take weapons or thrusters, and it worked.
A dagger with 3 afterburners goes pretty damn fast, but runs out of thruster power fast too.
It's pretty weird seeing thrusters in the weapons section though.
Hmmm, so those underwing slots could be used for weapons or they could be thruster mounts. If they are thrusters, than the original thruster mount could be redefined as a turret mount.
Multiple thrusters, or multiple mines, hmm the possibilities aren't endless, but they are interesting.