Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:21 am

need help with decapitation

No, I haven't seen this posted before, and don't be retarded and flame me, i'm flame-retardant.

Anybody who tried editing NPCs noticed they all seem to have 4 parts: a Body, a Head, a LeftHand and a RightHand. the exception is robots: the head is built into the body, even though they have both a LeftHand and a RightHand. The thing is, I wanna combine a robot body with a human head and some face accessories to make Borgs. You can do that, but the robot's head shows through the human head, and it's not pretty. The robot's head is part of the body, somehow.

Looking under \data\characters\bodies, i opened a robot's body in UTFEdit, and a human's to compare. Turns out Head, Left Hand and Right Hand are HARDPOINTS. The robot has a head hardpoint, which is why i can still attach a human head. The only difference is 2 subtrees, EyeIKLeft and EyeIKRight. I tried deleting them, but it just made the hands disappear and the forearms screwy.

So I'm asking if anybody knows if I can remove the head from the robot body's .cmp file

i prplx

Edited by - prplx on 01-04-2003 03:17:16