Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:39 pm

Basic questions...

Greetings all. Please forgive me if the following questions were answered, but I have not seen them. Some of the technical explanations are beyond me at the moment but I am trying hard to learn..

I run a small server that is oriented towards roleplay and am interested in modding some things to enrich peoples experiences on the server. (like having in game events etc)
I have a few questions about modding from a MP server standpoint..

1.) if you modify your INI files on the server (say you disabled nomad weapons for example), would that effect only the server or people connecting to it? Would the clients need a copy of your edited ini?

2.) How does one enable non-pilotable ships for use within the MP game? I have read about this being done to cheat. But say you wanted to fly a battleship and have a group of people fend you off, how would you accomplish this? would you not only need to enable the Bship, but set a place to purchase it, or could you assign it somehow to a player?

3.) as far as client characters go, is there a way to edit accounts stored on the server to give them cash etc as reward for in game tactics? (from a local stand point, like someone plays on my server, does good so I reward them with a bit of cash? make sense?)

4.) What (if any) external programs or tools are required to edit the INI files to gain desired results?

I'm sorry if i sound like an idiot with a pipe dream. I just liked the SP enough to wanna try my hand at setting things up for people on my server. I think it would bring a good time to the MP aspect. Hell, i dunno if any of this is even possible, but it would be a blast to run events in the FL universe.

Any replys are helpful.

-Lord Tarl