Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 1:02 pm

Scores and Kills


Begin ramble.

I'm starting to consider the implementation of clans and battles. I had an idea where 2 clans could meet up on a server, start off at seperate sides of a custom built system that nobody knows their way around (perhaps a random system generator, might be possible once a decent visual system editor appears). Then, both sides get trading or whatever to get some credits, get ships, buy weapons then they head in for the kill. Kind of like a C&C or WC3 setup. Only thing is, there would have to be a timer on the game, a certain amount of kills or maybe something they have to capture. Maybe a CTF kind of thing, find the object in the middle of this unknown system and get it back to your base. Certain amount of caps wins the game.

But how hard would it be to implement a scoring system? Like OSP for quake or something.

Thoughts / comments?