Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:35 pm by Xerx
Ok I was using SEAL 2.0 it was freeware fro a reason. It is limited to only holding 10,000 returns out of the memory. It is about 3 years old and it has severe limatations.
i was able to find Boron amount of units stored in your cargo and the other memory adress where it stores the amount of Boron units bought. Thus I can change the price of Boron higher as you by up more units.
I need a better memory editor to find the other commodities. They are stored higher in memory. That is why the game requires a certain amount of RAM to hold these values. 10,000 return value numbers limit max out of my 7FFFFF (393MEG RAM) adresses is not going to find for me all the values. I could force it to search different adress lenghts from one higher adress to another, but that is very hard slow work! It does have that ability from one adress to another, but it will only return up to 10,000 results. There are ALOT of repeating numbers in there! Boron alone return 373,000 hits but only displayed the first 10,000 values. Luck i found it. I tried for Water, but it is stored even higher than that, can not be found.
I did find the memory spot for the money stored. I need to look for a better memory editor than can read higher amounts of data. The stuff gets read in from goods.ini file, and is stored in RAM spots that stay put, but alot of the prices you see are stored randomly because it is only using it as a temp scratch pad. Use the numbers in the goods.ini file.
Oddly, I would think the game would stick the values in relative memory locations, not in the same places every time. I did load up other programs to get FL to load into a different memory adress its data. Seems to put the data back into the same places; I expected it to be relative where there is room to place it. This is getting to be frustrating. One step forward, then two steps back. Slow progress sorry.
Once I get a better memory editor to use, I can do much more faster....anyone know of a better one? That is freeware or low cost?