Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 9:00 pm

need help: mission_type = ?,?,? (mbase.ini)

I need help with the mbase.ini file. You can change the level of (money you get for) the missions on the job board (in the bar) with the setting:
mission_type = DestroyMission, value1, value2, value3

value3 is the percentage (probability) of a jobboard mission to be from this faction. (I hope someone understands my english :-)). If only one BaseFaction has a mission_type entry, you set this to 100. If you have two BaseFactions with a mission_type entry, you can set it to 50 to get a 50:50 chance for the jobboardmissions.

Now to value1 and value2. If you set both to 0.000000, you get no missions on the board. You can try higher values and you will get better and more jobs (it ignores the "num_offers = minJobs, maxJobs" entry in this file when you use low numbers).

Does anyone know which values to use to get e.g. only level 1 missions and not 1 entry in the jobboard but as defined with num_offers = 10,10, so in this case 10 level 1 missions?

I've tried a lot of values but didn't see any formula in it.

Rolf Ruediger