Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:11 pm

MOD Request

I would like to make a request for (I think) a fairly simple MOD that I'm sure everyone playing this game would enjoy.

In the "Unknown" system that has the two planets you can land on, could someone PLEASE, MOD it so that on at least one of the two planets you can do the following;

1. Get repairs.
2. Buy Shield Batteries and Nanobots
3. Buy the different varients of the other two "Unbuyable" Class 10 Shields and maybe a Class 10 Turret (if such an animal exists).

The Shields/Turret would be a nice bonus for finding the "Unknown" system and fighting your way through, the rest would give you a chance to repair and mount those nice Level 10 Nomad Cannons you got from the Aliens you blew up getting there.

Again, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't use this MOD and appreciate the person/people who made it! I'd do it myself, but I have absolutely NO Experience Modding and it would probably take spending all my free time for the next month or so just to figure out how to do it! From the posts I've been reading in this forum, there are several people here who already know how to do these things and could probably have this put together and out within a week or less.

I really think this would be a much appreciated MOD and my thanks go out to anyone who might be willing and able to put this together for the FL Community. Again, my thanks to anyone willing to give this a try.