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Playing SP in a MP Format

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:50 pm

Playing SP in a MP Format

Would it be possible to mod? Or is it hardcoded?

Thing is, I know there is a mod for NoStory in the download section, but I would like more then this. There are a number of things that are not the same in SP and MP. One of them is that you can change level just with Net Worth, but we all knew that. Right now though, we get a free level when there is a mission requirement.

Another one is the abilitie to be able to save anywhere. I really like this feature in MP.

I really don't know if it would be possible, but it sure would be great, kinda a sandbox Freelancer universe where we could do as we please, with no story and no boundaries.

And no, opening a server and playing alone on it is a no go. One thing I found it which is a mere annoyance is that the patrol icon for the nav map doesn't work correctly. All the patrol route are neutral, no friendly or hostile... makes it a lot harder to find stuff or stealth your way in the system.

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:55 pm


i want this to be heard by modders

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:28 pm

why should the nav map have all the patrols on it? it stands to reason that one SHOULD NOT know the patrol route of everyone in the whole damn universe.... just those that are of a general nature.... certainly not your enemies... i could conceed seeing friendly faction routes though...

as for saving anywhere.... do you go to bed in the middle of the street at night? or do you go home? or to a hotel? the point being that it is reasonable to require a player to seek safe haven to conclude his day....

I've been playing alone on my own lan game for 2 weeks.... I feel I have to....
you have no way to pause midflight, no free leveling, no system is cut off from you, and there is actually a penalty for dying (albeit small).... in short, it provides atleast some challenge... single player was hands down the EASIEST game to dominate... it was close to insulting... whoever said this the the Morrowind of space games should be hit with cane.... repeatedly....

"stealth your way through systems?" i have yet to see anything even remotely resembling stealth included in this game.... as for finding stuff.... if you want it that much easier why dont you download one of the maps?

i am not attacking you.... i just fail to see why the game should be nerfed anymore than it is.....

Edited by - anias on 23-03-2003 20:16:27

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:08 pm

Personally, I just don't want to have to run 2 programs just to play the game by myself... I've already finished the SP storyline campaign, and frankly I thought the parts between missions were more fun than the missions... I kept getting interrupted by the story while I was trying to make some money. So, that's what I want to play... Single player, with no storyline, but also no restrictions. The NoStory mod locks all gates out of the New York system at some point before lvl 4, so it's pretty much useless.

All I would like is a NoStory mod that COMPLETELY removes the story scripts... the free money, the gates locking and unlocking, etc... I want to be able to play SP with the same freeform style as MP. I've tried to figure it out myself, but so far it's been a waste of time. Very frustrating...

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:58 pm

I can sympathize on wanting a story free singleplayer mode, and I am sure others would too... but i must point out that what you desire is already present in MP, plus the ability to allow others to join in at any later point you wish....

you say you dont wanna run 2 programs.... dont wanna take the extra 45 seconds and 2 doubleclicks.... but you are willing to "waste time" trying to mod the SP game...

Performance shouldnt be an issue... i have not seen any loss when connecting to one's own server, on both high-end machines and low-end...

dont frustrate yourself by trying to bend SP to your will....
breathe deeply and say "there is no SPoon."

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 9:45 pm

Yes, I am working out the final buglets for a Sinlgle player version of the mulitplayer game.

I do not want to run on the net to play MP.

NoStory MOD was done by a person and it was a quicky and has a few bugs later and allows story to kick back in at Level 17 mission 9.

I am taking my OpenGate MOD which unlocks all gates and holes; put it in with a fixed NoStory MOD to create exactly what you want. This has been posted but no SEARCH funtion makes this thread hard to find.

Later I will add back in alll the scripted systems that come and go originally in the SP game. Alaska system, Liberty Rouges Base which gets blown up. Stuff that makes sense.

You can tune how much pirate respond in mine fields easy. It is set for 90 seconds and 20 seconds refesh time. A bit much while mining. You can also set the faction reputations anyway you want also to begin with.

This is more of a Elite Privateer MOD for SP mode. I like my sandox mode, I can script much more events and random missions back into it. I make the game much harder and more stuff to upgrade your ship. I also take the cheese out of it. I can simulate a dynamic economy. All this is not possible for MP that I know of.

MP I do not know, kind of boring. No way to MOD it for more fun. Look at me I cheated like hell to get the biggest f^cking ship to blow anything away...cheaters and big egos is why I refuse to play MP.

When I get done, get the next MUCh better version of OpenGateNoStory MOD hybrid with all the fixes, and money levels changes. Still get the free levels though. That is why there are better versions to come out with time.

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:10 pm

First of all, MP is modable... as much so as SP is....

Second.... if you play with people you have never met and have NO ties to.... THEN OF COURSE YOUR MP EXPERIANCE IS GONNA SUCK BIG GOAT... nevermind the fact that you freely admit to being a cheat yourself....
find people you know and play over a lan with them.... it is that simple...

and in any event, we were discussing playing on A LAN GAME BY ONE'S SELF... not connected through a global server.... try to keep comments relevant...

dynamic economy? i havent seen the price of ANYTHING in SP fluctuate a single credit at any time... and why devote time to restoring EMPTY SYSTEMS THAT ARE PURE PLOT DEVICES? why not just make some new ones..... ya know? maybe the kind that actually have something to do in them?

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:16 pm

When I've tried running a LAN server for just myself, I've had stability and connection problems... which makes no sense, since I'm running it on the same machine. Besides, it takes up another 20-30mb of RAM and does affect performance of the game in general.

Anyway, why does it matter if we don't want to play MP with other people? It's our game, we can play it how we like.

Xerx, I look forward to trying out your mod... sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I've managed to get the NoStory mod and your Opengate mod working together finally, by putting the list of "unlock" commands in a couple different places, mostly in the mission succeed triggers. However I haven't reached lvl 17 in my playing yet, so that bug hasn't reared itself yet, although it apparently will. Ah well.

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:38 pm

I have a saved game at home that's just after the final mission. I tossed out all my good stuff, and left myself at about level 4. $20k net worth, a Patriot with four Justice Mk III cannons, and countermeasures. Most of the reputations are about the same as when you start the game, and I hadn't found any of the level 9/10 weapons so they're still there to discover. I hadn't even visited any of the Border/Edge worlds that weren't necessary to the plot, so only the house systems are mapped out. I'll upload it somewhere when I get home.

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:36 pm

WOW Warlokk.... you have some sadly inferior reading and comprehension skills.... I never told anyone one here that THEY HAD TO PLAY with other people.... you are free to enjoy YOUR game HOWEVER you like... I just pointed out that playing the SP version leaves no room for letting others in later, IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WANT TO...

you know, you could get up and do some REAL LIFE Freelancing and buy yourself a PC that doesnt suck! that'll solve your stability issues.....

Now SKaleus has a damn fine solution.... one i had used myself at first.... however, SP is still a consequence free enviroment.... you never lose anything on death, and you can pause combat..... but that is just my irritaion apparently....

on the other hand, you can play your non-challenging version of the game until your little heart bursts with contentment..... or the lack of difficulty drives you spend another 50 bucks on another half assed game....

rinse and repeat mofo.....

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:53 pm

Anias, my reading comprehension is just fine... and my civility is a lot better than yours. This is a post about modding the SP game to be open-ended, and all you've done is gripe about how everyone should just give up SP and play MP. Well frankly you're not contributing to the conversation at hand, and it's precisely people like you that make me not want to play this game online in the first place.

Meanwhile, I will continue to wait for Xerx's most excellent sounding mod, which I am sure he will continue to develop in spite of your most eloquent insistence that he is wasting his and everyone else's time because he is not making what you think he should.

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:29 am

You say I am not contributing simply because my suggestions differ from yours... I WOULD like to SP to be more like MP, including the aspects that add higher degree of challenge....

I never advocated anyone to give up SP to go play online.... I stated clearly above that I myself don't play online.... just by myself... on my own lan.... BECAUSE of the differences.....

And I never told Xerx he was wasting his time either.... I asked why he would "devote" time to restoring what are essentially empty systems....

I suppose you also missed where i said "I can sympathize on wanting a story free singleplayer mode...." before pointing out that you could somewhat satisfy your want using FLserver by yourself..... at least until someone of appropriate talent actually creates and releases what you want....

is your comprehension fine? because it sure looks like you missed all that.... you respond to me with some inane comment about not wanting to play online when THAT WAS NEVER AN ISSUE AT ALL....(actually, you did too, Xerx... but i'll leave you alone so you can finish up that mod...)

sooooo.... what's up with that?

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:17 pm


Am looking forward to more versions of your mod.

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:41 am

It is almost done, I need to test it all the way through normal game. I do not want any surprises! Takes a bit of time. I renamed to simpler OpenGame MOD, unless you think of better one. like maybe Sandbox MOD?

Trying to give another modder some info on using memory editor to use as trainer to change goods prices while EXE is running in game....

I need to finish this MOD first, I am getting ahead of my self. It will be here shortly. THX for the interest, It is a decent MOD. You will not be disappointed.


I am trying to recreate a MP experience in SP mode. I am trying to make the SP open game mode universe harder, more like a Elite or Original Privateer Mode. It will not be empty universe. Some people like me do not care to run on NET even to play alone to get access to MP mode, that FL server M9 will not be there forever...

After this starter, keystone MOD; I am releasing more MODs to populate the SP universe with Random stuff, Smuggler MOD, Prisoner MOD, Simulated Dynamic Ecomony, Cargo Runs, Bounty Hunter missions, Distress Calls Offers while flying randomly, Change the News board into a Stock Market for events for traders to follow, new equipment to buy upgrade ship, Much harder AI with regenerating shields, changesd to shield batteries and nonabot usage and where and how they are allowed to be bought (faction good friendly) loot drops, cantraband, more goods to sell, Docking fees for jumpgates, Faction Wars occurring with planets changeing allegiances back and forth, even a "Random Unverse Generator" to make a New game completely sort of different to explore all over again (this may be very fun in MP mode since gamers will not know where all the good trade routes are at start; unles cheating, and not know how universe is laid out).

A living Universe but it takes time to do. Maybe most alot of this can be ported to MP, but it is much easier for me to develope in SP mode for testing. Later try to export as much good stuff to MP, and people can load in what MODs for this Universe they want to play with. I am making this modular for complete complience with each own MOD with documentation for edification. Most of this can be played in MP for what is important, right now, I am doing SP stuff (much can be used in MP but not tested).

When someone picks this game up in a year from now, and the MP people are gone and moved on to thier next game fix, people will still be able to play in SP Universe by themselves anyway, and also get the MP feel; without having to run on the InterNet connection.

Sorry anias, if I offended you somehow; I was not trying to piss on anyone's parade. Just adding more to the gameplay options. The name says it all.

Edited by - Xerx on 26-03-2003 03:21:33

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:47 am

No, Xerx, you didnt offend me.... i was just getting more than a little exasperated.... i avoid net games like the black plauge..... but running flserver and playing solo works okay for me.... atleast until i get my hands on your mod or something similar....

I never told anyone to give up and go play multiplayer on the net with people they dont know and dont like..... I loathe the very thought....

for as much as i like playing SP though..... I also like the idea of being able to include my friends, brothers, and nephews from time to time via lan.... seldom have the time for it, but when i do i enjoy it.....

will your mod change MP as well as SP? because i will want to use them both....
and it would be very cool if they were both a little more robust in content and challenge....

this game is quite good..... but it soooo needs people like you Xerx....
I dont want ya to think i was trying to discourage you.... sorry if i came across a bit flip in my earlier post....

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