Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 12:49 pm

Ship Re-Balance Mod. Anyone working on one?

I've pretty much gone through the whole game. Explored just about everything, flown every different ship type, tried different weapon combinations etc. The servers are beginning to pile up with Rank 30+ players all flying Titans/Sabres/Eagles.

So I decided to add a bit of spice into the game and see if some of the lower level ships were balanced to take out these much higher level ships. Unfortunately after hours of testing pvp against VHFs flying different heavy fighters with various weapon loadouts I've come to the conclusion that space combat is so simplistic in Freelancer that its just a matter of who owns the highest level ship with max shield and weapon loadouts that will determine the victor. Add into the inbalance weapons that do a pile of damage with no energy drain as well as projectiles that travel relatively fast at a decent range, its just a matter of time before everybody gets bored. Why? Simply because everyone will be flying class 10 ships and everyone will be using nomad weapons and no one will be unique.

I'm hoping balance changes will be made in an upcoming patch so that space can once again fill with Dragons, Valkyres and other ships that are for sale and are vastly disadvantaged over heavier ships not only by weapon or shield loadouts but by maneuvrability as well. Some of the lower class ships, despite their lower mass actually turn slower than Class 10 ships.

But in the meantime, is anyone working on a ship re-balance mod that will try to balance out the ships more so that no one weapon/ship/shield combination rules the universe?