Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 6:46 am

*** FL File Repository *** UPDATE!

Welp its about 10:00pm , just got home from work... well... something like work... The Freelancer File Repository has been kicking the ever living hell out of my old web server which has been in desperate need of a over haul for some time... Not only do I host the Freelancer File Repository, I also host many other web sites including but not limited to : Prodeathrave, Industrialdeathrock, Pyxz (Free image hosting for LJ for Fourm sigs), and a butt load of other sites...

You should all be happy to know that the Freelancer File Repositiry is according to my ISP (the place where my box is hosted) using more bandwidth than ALL of their other clients collectively.

Har... So donate so I can pay for this crap. Weee! hehe...

The web server is currently pushing out about 3+ megabit on average, and has peeked at over 15 megabit...

Emo1313 - Over and out.

Emo1313 - Freelancer File Repositry

Edited by - Emo1313 on 22-03-2003 06:48:42