Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:25 pm

Help/Tips needed


I just want do change e few things for a little MP-Mod based on the original sytems.

1. First change i like to do, is to use Tekagi's Base for the Order. I thought its maybe a good place to sell a new version of the Anubis (maybe another name like "Horus" *). My Problem is to unlock the Chugoku/Tohoku-jumphole. I've read several threads about how to handle jumpholes/gates, but i dont get this one to work (i've tried every solution posted in this forum, maybe im to stupid).
Maybe its possible to get this one "Ku07_to_Ku05_hole" open too!?
I dont know if Tekagi's Base could be "useable" like a normal station/outpost.

2. I like to add a new Zoners-Station/Planet, where you can buy the Train and two other trading-ships. A good place for this could be the Omicron-Beta-System (because it shouldnt be to easy to get) on Planet Elysium. (is it possible to see the Train on a "open" planetbase or is it even to big?).

3. I hate these god-mode-by-developer-nomad-weapons!!! So it would be very nice to make them nomad-only so they dont fit with normal ships!

4. Nomad-attacks all over the border-systems

5. New Nomad-Planets in the unknown (Nomad1)-system witch is linked to the Omicron Alpha-System. Maybe its possible to add a ai/npc-based battle between the order and the nomads there and a jumphole to the Omicron Gamma-unknown (Nomad2)-system. I like to place the Osiris there (dockable) because it should be the only place to get class10-turrets.

*a few ideas about the "Horus" --- it should be a heavy amored freighter with class 10 weapons on it. Black outfit with blue thruts and a handling like the dromedary. Of course it should look a little bit like the anubis but larger and "heavy"! I like do make a new model for it, but i cant find a tool to convert the FL-model-format to a format witch i can open with Lightwave (i prefer lightwave instead of 3d-studio). Its just because i want to use the Anubis as a shape to keep the Horus in the order-style.

Hmm ... thats all ;o) ... i hope someone can help with me with one of ideas (of course i need no tips how to open the ini-files and make changes there, but i need help/tips where inside the inis i have to change the parameters to get solutions for my problems/ideas).

Zu den Sternen ... MOS