Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:18 am

New Server, New Admin, Lots Of Questions

So I've spent the past few days browsing the forums here on Reactor as well as PlanetFL and anyplace else I can find info. This appears to have been a bad decision, as it's made me more worried than anything else... So I've just got more questions.

I've started a new 24/7 as "Lukano's Realm [24/7" which was originally for myself, a few co-workers, some buddies and the occasional unknown player looking to join. From there, I've had more and more people interested, so I've decided to leave it public (rather than go pass protected) and I'd like to add more depth to the game.

What I'd like to know;

Mods - How many server-side only mods are there, how many of these are more likely to crash than give any benefit, and what are they?

Cheaters - Looks to me like anyone with the knowledge of how to edit an INI on their client can muck with their settings and become an uber player in no time. Not nice. Anyone know if DA is fixing this in the next patch to give control to the server rather than the clients? If not, any mods or addons for this?

Creating new systems, remapping, etc - Can it be done, or once again do I risk causing more harm than good?

What can we do? What can't we?

Lukano's Realm [[24/7
ICQ : 43344279