**Idea for MP security***
The client could run alongside the freelancer and every say 20 min or so the client runs again doing a quick check on file crc and sends it to the server, and if at any point the server crc's and client ones are different the user is kicked. Also if a user without the program connected to a server without it the server could firewall their ip on that port till the client sends the necessary info.
All the info being sent could be done using say ssl port (22 which is a secure line) and could be set to only have access to a certain file or dir or that sort of thing. It would only be text so it wouldn't be too bad. I am not sure how hard this would be but if if could be done I think it would work well. I would try but I don't know much about programming and don't have the skill nor knowledge to do it. Maybe it is a pipe dream but I think it could be done pretty easily. But then again I know little to nothing about programming so I could be wrong.
Edited by - jemanu on 17-03-2003 02:21:32