Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:49 pm

suggestions on mod workings

Just wanted to put forward my suggestions for some of the mods I have read in these forums and want to hear what others think about how the mods should be done.

First, The cloaking device should:
-Require full power to turn on (so u can't fire if you want to cloak)
-Drain power to stay on (but not too quickly)
-if the cloaked player takes damage of any sort (collisions etc) they should flicker for a second or two and be detected by other ships untill flicker wears off
-You can't shoot or tractor while cloaked
-There should be a purchasable item that, when fired would uncloak all ships within a certain radius and set their energy to 0
-The above weapon should cost enough that they arn't used too much (only when there is a suspected cloaked ship)
-make only members of a group be able to see each other cloaked (only see that they are there but not actually see their ship)

Second, for the other ships:
-Make all ships purchasable somewhere
-Make capital ships only purchasable from shipyards (those big stations that have half built ships in them)
-have capital ships dock with moores (what ever they're called) (they would be transported down to planet)
-If possible make it possible for people to dock with YOU if you have a large enough ship
-if possible have your own bar if you have a large enough ship (players could all meet in another players ship. Or even buy/sell the player goods and ships)
-if possible allow the player to have a capital ship and a fighter stored in the hull if the capital ship is big nough
-Make the capital ships price accurate (cost ALOT of money), this would include the cost for a mechanical crew to operate the ship (thus making it a one man ship)
-Don't make the capital ships too sluggish (as in the single player the smaller ones turned quick enough to use their front big gun and the fact that a bigger ship = bigger engines), but make the really large capital ships slower and sluggish.
-if possible create a really expensive item that can create a temporary jump hole for the player to take to a selected destination (only usable by the creator, dissapears straight after use and uses up all energy. Plus if you jump into an object you die (so jumping into an asteroid field would be very dangerouse, this would force the player to choose wisely and probably have to travel to get to the final destination))

-make those small bits of debri that hit your ship do a moderate to small amount of damage to the hull depending on the speed they were hit (this would make asteroid/debri field more dangerouse and add up in non auto repairable damage)
-Make a direct colission with an object like an asteroid do a decent amount of damage to the ship hull (once again making fighting in a debri or asteroid field dangerouse as it could be a choice to head for in a losing fight)
-if possible, add upgrades for ships. eg, upgrade storage capacity (resulting in a visible upgrade like an added storage container) oe engine upgrades that allow your ship to go to cruise faster and accelerate faster (would add/replace another or more powerfull engine (could also be shown by different coulored/styles of exhaust flame)
-Make more varied random missions (like protecting a base or convoy, mining for a certain resource, exploring a certain place, scaning an unknown object at a loction, smuggling, recon etc.)

Thanks for listening...this post is now open for flaming, discussion on my ideas and suggestions of more ideas

When I die, I want to go just like my grandpa did, peacfully and quietly in my sleep. Not screaming and crying like the other passengers in the car.

Edited by - LOTUK on 16-03-2003 16:55:47