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Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 5:25 am

@gus: A few days ago... It's more "readable" this way. How? That's just too easy... Click on the "My Profile" link, and the rest is self-explanatory.

Careful what you wish... You might just get it.

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:06 am

*bump* Make this sticky!!

"Sure, as long as I don't get shot at, held at gunpoint, skewered by giant alien shapeshifters, have to jump out windows, fight off unfriendly nomad incubii"

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 5:10 pm

well, this post is getting filled with that may ruin my chances..


Edited by - maswastage/BG on 21-06-2003 01:42:18

Post Sat Jun 21, 2003 4:31 am

Not if you add some ketchup and pickled mushrooms & chili in it...

Careful what you wish... You might just get it.

Post Sat Jun 21, 2003 3:49 pm

good one, chet(nik). But really, this is just adding to the (It's hard to think of another word other than 'Spam')

Post Sat Jun 21, 2003 5:55 pm

uhm if this topic must be as long as possible in the 30-days forum, y not send useless, spam and other kind of massage (like, who i shoot today, or yesterday)

i did yesterday duck-shoot in freelancer (i killed Ducky , 2 sunslayer torps and it was gone )

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 1:13 am

Oh, you, pretty chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang, we love you; N R;
chitty chitty bang bang chitty chitty bang bang, loves us too, Hi ho; on chitty chitty bang bang, we depend; on chitty chitty bang bang our fine four-fendered friend; chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang, chitty bang bang YEAH!

Edited by - Chetnik on 24-06-2003 02:14:39

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:35 pm

ow, no, my beautiful cargo....

uhm.. u had no cargo...

.....but if i had i losed it....

so??? then it was now mine .... but where can i sell thus.... uhm... empty space???

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 5:09 pm

i don't know if this is news, or old as the night...

but noticed that the yellow medium in tau-37 isn't at the same level as the other things in tau-37 but almost 20k higher...

so there is something what isn't in this flat-space-game what isn't at the same level as everything

Post Mon Jul 07, 2003 7:07 pm

I am napolean, i dare you to challenge me to a game of go fish

Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:23 am

and i'm julias cesear, i came, i saw, i conqeurt

uhm.... destroyed spaceplanes , but it isn't important....

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 7:06 am

chetnik - wow!!! that was brilliant and caught me totally by surprise!!!

i had to sit quietly in the dark alone for a few minutes before i felt composed enough to wwrite this...

if i knew how to quote, i would have done so here ~~>> (pretend to see quote of "chitty chitty bang bang" <<~~here

if this thread wasnt deserving of i sticky before (BTW - i'm a n00b and i read it)
certainly it is now if not for chetniks post alone...

- saw -

my other signature is a ferrari

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 6:25 pm

"Sure, as long as I don't get shot at, held at gunpoint, skewered by giant alien shapeshifters, have to jump out windows, fight off unfriendly nomad incubii"

He always whines about being electrocuted.

For the joy of smoting.
"You're clever than you look, Q" ~Bond
"Better than looking clever than you are, 007" ~Q

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:11 am

@this thread: "You're still alive?! Can't you even DIE RIGHT?"
@sawmangler: Thanks for the compliment... Not too many people here understand the humor in random Jim Carey impersonations... ( now would be a really off moment to tell me that you were being sarcastic... )

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:00 pm

if u was asking that by trent... he would say "uh-huh"

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